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Welcome to the blog of the Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning and Online Education at Georgia State University. We hope that on these pages you can start your exploration in teaching in a digital age. We also hope that your next step in that process is to call or come by our space so that we can be a part of your exploration.

Summer 2024 Vevox Student Response Pilot

Join CETLOE as we offer a FREE pilot of the Vevox Polling and Class Engagement tool. With Vevox, instructors can create real-time polling and word clouds, conduct interactive quizzing, and allow for anonymous Q&A, and more!  Vevox is fully integrated into...

Data Analysis with ChatGPT

Do you work with data? Would your students benefit from being able to use advanced statistics to analyze real-world datasets? If so, ChatGPT Plus might be able to help. In short, ChatGPT’s Advanced Data Analysis mode accepts file uploads and runs Python to manipulate...

iCollege Integration Upgrades

We are pleased to announce important updates to your iCollege experience--aimed at elevating privacy, enhancing security, and improving functionality. Beginning Spring 2024, the following external learning tools will be upgraded to LTI 1.3: Cengage McGraw-Hill...

iCollege Quiz Timing Improvements

Streamlined Quiz Timing and Setups As instructors, we know that creating quizzes and managing assessments can be time-consuming and sometimes complicated. However, with the latest updates to iCollege Quiz Timing and Setup, we are thrilled to introduce a more efficient...

Welcome to Design Notes

Welcome to Design Notes! We’ll be using this space to highlight work and insights stemming from partnerships between faculty and CETLOE’s Learning Design team. These highlights will include program and course design work, engaging multimedia, research from our user...

Learning Technology Updates for April 2023

We're excited to announce multiple updates coming to iCollege to close out the Spring 2023 Semester! These include a completely redesigned iCollege homepage, based on student and instructor feedback, a new discussion creation and editing experience, and the ability to...

PAWS Enrollments and iCollege

Near Real Time Integration We are excited to announce a “near real-time” enrollment process in iCollege! Beginning Fall Semester 2022, iCollege enrollments will update multiple times a day, 7 days a week between 7:00 AM and 9:00 PM. Any changes to instructor...

Ensuring Transparency in Authentic Assessment Design

Ensuring Transparency in Authentic Assessment Design

Authentic assessment allows faculty to scaffold student learning in a course by tapping into a student’s prior knowledge of a subject and building upon that knowledge through real-world applications of the concepts and theories presented in a course. Beginning in...

iCollege Updates for July 2021

We are happy to share improvements and feature updates coming to iCollege on July 23rd, 2021. See below for details, and contact if you encounter any problems or have any questions. [learn_more caption="Assignments – Add categories in the New Assignment...

Accessible Design at the Forefront

Accessible Design at the Forefront

Accessible Design at the Forefront How many times have you added content into iCollege only to receive the red Ally icon? On second thought, did you know that the red icon indicates accessibility errors? Of course you did! Well, hopefully, you also know that there are...

Learning to Learn

Learning to Learn

The motivated, self-regulated, and engaged “expert” learner is what we want in our classrooms. We know they not only do better in our classes, they do better in their next classes because they learned how to learn. So, how do we go about reducing barriers that can get in the way of student metacognitive development, while at the same time setting up accessible and challenging learning environments?

Learning Technology Updates for March 2021

We are happy to announce the following enhancements to the learning environment at Georgia State: iCollege Quizzes -- Improved Copy Workflow Beginning March 26th, the copy functionality will be available on individual quiz drop-down menus. This simplified workflow...

The Joy of Breaking Things

The Joy of Breaking Things

I’d been thinking about the need for experimentation in learning. How might we design experiences where learners feel safe and motivated to explore? To disrupt habits and take risks?   Then my daughter’s daycare classroom closed due to a COVID-19 exposure,...

iCollege Updates for February 2021

We are pleased to announce two major updates coming to iCollege this Friday, February 26. Both updates are focused on making the learning environment more accessible to all learners. For more information on accessibility and universal design, please review this...

Managing Incompletes in iCollege

Each time a course is created in iCollege there is a course end date automatically set.  Once the end date passes, students can no longer access the course.  The default end date for a course is generally 60 days after the last day of classes as shown on the...

Moving Lawyering: Practice Ready Writing Online in a Pandemic

Moving Lawyering: Practice Ready Writing Online in a Pandemic

Moving courses from a face to face or blended environment to fully online typically includes challenges, but when the class has an intricate fixed schedule and multiple moving parts the challenges increase exponentially.  My name is Katie Bridges. I'm a Learning...

Effective and Efficient Communication with Students in iCollege

Effective and Efficient Communication with Students in iCollege

In my last post, I suggested that instructors establish immediacy with students by making adjustments to the way they respond to student emails. But once they have access to your iCollege course, there are many communication techniques that can effectively provide...

December 18 iCollege Updates

As we approach the end of the year, we are excited to announce some recent and upcoming improvements to iCollege. Most of these updates will go live on December 18. Please see details below regarding updates to Quiz Retakes, the My Courses Widget, a new Assignment...

Arts Critique in the Time of Covid

Arts Critique in the Time of Covid

“Hulk Smash!” I thought to myself as I dominated critique after critique.  It was April of 2020, penultimate critique sessions for Advanced Animation, and after 9 years of teaching digital arts, I found myself reverting to teaching behaviors I had worked hard to...

Cisco Webex Meetings Enhancements

We are excited to announce a new Webex Meeting experience launching September 8! This update will improve the interface for Webex Meetings bringing a modern, easier-to-use design to make Webex Meetings better than ever! Note that these changes only apply to Webex...

Crosslisting in iCollege

As many courses have recently shifted to fully online instruction, some instructors noted that they had multiple identical online-only courses in iCollege and have asked that their courses be crosslisted. Crosslisting is a process that combines two more more sections...

iCollege Updates for May 22

We are excited to share some updates coming to iCollege tomorrow, May 22! We will update this blog post on additional links to Knowledge Base articles as they are available, but we have shared a preview of what to expect in tomorrow’s update below. [learn_more...

Content Best Practices

Content Best Practices

Take a moment and think about the content in your course. Not the specific information contained in your course content but the actual media itself. What comes to mind? Did you think about a textbook? Maybe some articles and a video you found on youtube. Or, maybe...

Online Teaching Best Practices

Online Teaching Best Practices

Well, fancy meeting you here, friend! Was it the title that got you to click the link? Well, excellent! I'm glad we're both interested in how it is that we transform our teaching to do what is best for our online students. Teaching online clearly isn't the same as...

Preparing for a Film Shoot at CETL

Preparing for a Film Shoot at CETL

We, at CETL, are always amazed by professors for the many things that you do. Be it the clarity of expression of ideas, or the inspiration that you provide for students outside of the major, or the ways that you help shape the life goals of so many students. On a very...

What’s New in Course and Program Design at CETL?

What’s New in Course and Program Design at CETL?

Welcome to the first CETL blog post of the new semester, year, and decade! This post is a team effort featuring Joju and Taylor. We're here to let you know about some of the new projects the course and design team are working on this semester. We'll both be working on...

New Upgrades to iCollege on October 25, 2019!

Several upgrades and enhancements are coming to iCollege today, October 25. Please see the list below for full details:    TurnItIn PeerMark is Now Available TurnItIn PeerMark is a tool for facilitating peer review assignments in iCollege. This tool is now...

The Prodigal Intern

The Prodigal Intern

Look, it’s Michael! He’s returned to us! You all might remember Michael from his award-winning internship this past summer with CETL’s Learning Analytics and Learning Experience Design teams. Oh, you didn’t catch that? Well, to make a long and scintillating story...

NSF’s We Are Mathematics Video Competition Winners!

NSF’s We Are Mathematics Video Competition Winners!

Congratulations to GSU's John Weber from the Mathematics department and our very own Garrett Dehart (not pictured) for winning the NSF's, We Are Mathematics Video Competition! The video promotes John's project SMILES (with fellow PIs Dennis Pearl from Penn State and...

The Diversity Readiness Rubric: Talk the Talk Or Walk the Walk 

The Diversity Readiness Rubric: Talk the Talk Or Walk the Walk 

The Diversity Readiness Rubric: Talk the Talk Or Walk the Walk    The Diversity Readiness Rubric is a unique guide designed to improve our course designs at CETL. It articulates a robust set of standards for evaluating courses while expressing Georgia...

New Upgrades Coming to iCollege on June 8, 2019!

Several upgrades and enhancements are coming to iCollege on Saturday, June 8. Please see the list below for full details:    Webex -- New, Modern Webex Integration  The new Webex integration provides an improved interface for scheduling meetings and...

Reflection Question Bank for your Courses

Metacognition is one of my favorite unsung heroes in learning. Without reflecting back on how you achieved the results that you achieved and considering the means by which you learn, you will be less likely to achieve success in the future. However, most reading...

Constrained Writing Approaches To Creativity and Design

Constrained Writing Approaches To Creativity and Design

I often wondered when I cursed, Often feared where I would be— Wondered where she'd yield her love, When I yield, so will she. I would her will be pitied! Cursed be love! She pitied me ... - Lewis Carroll Do you notice anything...odd about the piece of writing above?...

PC Sites is Going Away!

PC Sites is Going Away!

PC Sites is Going Away! On April 30th, 2019, you will no longer have access to websites hosted on PC Sites ( CETL will be decommissioning the server that hosts all PC Edublog sites. If you wish to keep your website, you will need to manually...

Cool Tools: TwoTone

Think data visualization just isn't clicking for your innovation-loving students? Try data sonification! TwoTone allows you to convert your datasets into sound. Now, this may sound like it's just for the novelty of things, but it also serves an accessibility purpose....

10 Minute Tips – February 2019 Calendar

10 Minute Tips – February 2019 Calendar

Do you have a few minutes to increase your knowledge about iCollege or other technology integration tools?   CETL will be hosting several short webinars to help you stay in the know about technology that you can use in your classroom. Join us in our WebEx...

Speculating with Speculative Design

Speculating with Speculative Design

Here at CETL, the Instructional Design team really likes to experiment. For those of you  who know us, this probably doesn’t come as a complete surprise. We do have one of the most playful spaces on campus. And we take our play seriously. Last year, we...

New Rubric and Assignment Interfaces for iCollege

As we announced in the Fall, the learning management system we used for iCollege moved to the cloud and is now on a continuous update delivery system.  This means that iCollege will be getting small improvements on a monthly basis.   Our first update...

An Evening of Technology

Georgia State University Part-Time Instructors An Evening of Technology  Part-Time Instructors, join the Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning for An Evening of Technology. This event will provide technology expertise and creative solutions that will...

Creating Insanely Great Syllabi

Today’s blog topic is The Syllabus. We’re mid-semester and probably not thinking about next semester, but should you? This is a good time to have this discussion so you can take some time to think about and play with this approach! This is my third year as the CETL...

Reassessing your Assessment Strategy

Reassessing your Assessment Strategy

First of all: Happy Fall Semester 2018 from Sarah and Will! Now that you’re a couple of weeks in, you might feel some grading fatigue setting in. As such, this is a good time to switch all of your skill-building assessments to auto-graded multiple choice quizzes in...

iTeach With iPad: Higher Ed Edition

iTeach With iPad: Higher Ed Edition

Let’s start with a hypothetical situation: Your institution has decided to adopt iPad for all students and faculty.  You need to attend professional development on how to use iPad for teaching and learning.  You’re not convinced this is more than a fad; in...

Staff Innovators Program: The SIPPLE Effect

Staff Innovators Program: The SIPPLE Effect

This spring marks the end of the Staff Innovators Program (SIP). SIP is a rigorous year-long program in design thinking that focuses on human-centered design. I had the great fortune to collaborate on this project with the indefatigable champion of innovation,...

Design Reflection: Fostering a (More) Socially-Just, Rigorous, and Caring Community in a 130 Student, Fully-Online SOCI 1101 Course

Design Reflection: Fostering a (More) Socially-Just, Rigorous, and Caring Community in a 130 Student, Fully-Online SOCI 1101 Course

Accolades and Congratulations Dear, dear CETL blog readers: I think that you should all join me in a big round of applause for Dr. Jung Ha Kim. Not only did she just finish teaching her first ever online course, but she also graciously, carefully, and caringly guided...

So You Want To Start a New Program!

So You Want To Start a New Program!

So you’ve decided to start a new program here at GSU. Congratulations - that’s super exciting! Except: You soon realize that starting a program is a multi-pronged process starring a smorgasbord of people, policies, contexts, concerns, and excitements. This is where we...

Affordable Learning Georgia Grant: Round Eleven

Affordable Learning Georgia Grant: Round Eleven

Have you ever felt like chucking your always out-of-date, expensive, and totally non-remixable (under penalty of law) textbook from the eternally-spalling Courtland Street Bridge? Now's your chance! The USG's Affordable Learning Georgia (ALG) initiative is currently...

Open Educational Resource and Statistics Anxiety

Open Educational Resource and Statistics Anxiety

Yu-Ju's (Sharon's) paper is just published in the Journal of Formative Design in Learning (Wohoo). This is part of her dissertation study that she adopts open educational resources in the introductory statistics/quantitative research methodology courses to deal with...

The Socratic Method

The Socratic Method

It was only a matter of time. Years back, WordLens showed the world a camera app that could be pointed towards any text & instantly translate it. Google bought it & includes it now in their Translate app. Then PhotoMath & MathPix entered the scene &...

Post/human Approaches to Design and Teaching?

Post/human Approaches to Design and Teaching?

Post/human Approaches to Design and Teaching? Lately, it seems like you can’t turn a corner without being smacked in the face by the specter of posthumanism. As with other educational philosophy trends of yore (I’m looking at you, constructivism) posthumanism is the...

Clash and Flow: Pedagogy and Street Art

Clash and Flow: Pedagogy and Street Art

On December 2, 2016 a group of instructional designers and graduate students hopped on the Atlanta Streetcar at Hurt Park for the first ever guerilla Art in the Wild: StreetArt Tour in the Edgewood district. The goal of this CETL-hosted trip was to encourage educators...

Inspired by Design: Art In the Wild StreetArt Tour

Inspired by Design: Art In the Wild StreetArt Tour

When we think about designing classes we tend to think about controlling these experiences. What if we flip the script, however, and also think about disorder? How can we use chaos (both ordered and disordered) in our course designs? For our fourth and final Inspired...

VoicetThread At CETL (Recorded Workshop)

On October 10, 2016 the Center for Teaching and Learning hosted a VoiceThread workshop for faculty.  The workshop was lead by VoiceThread expert and instructional designer George Haines.  VoiceThread is available for all GSU faculty. In this workshop, participants...

Edge, and the future, is live

Edge, and the future, is live

So, you just had the most amazing assignments turned in from your students, and you're proud of your effort and want to show them off - what do you do? In the far-removed past, you may hire a barker to scream about it around ye olde village, or perhaps provide...