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Join CETLOE as we offer a FREE pilot of the Vevox Polling and Class Engagement tool. With Vevox, instructors can create real-time polling and word clouds, conduct interactive quizzing, and allow for anonymous Q&A, and more! 

Vevox is fully integrated into iCollege and its gradebook and integrates with PowerPoint, MS Teams, and Office365 to make it an easy add-on to already existing course materials. Additionally, embedded data analytics make it easy to quickly assess both learning and student engagement. 

To learn more about Vevox, visit  or view the Vevox YouTube channel at   

Please indicate your interest in the Vexox Summer 2024 Pilot by completing this brief form. Spaces are limited!

Faculty selected for this pilot will receive live training on Vevox as well as dedicated support from your CETLOE partners for help with any needed course design adjustments. To ease the learning curve for your students, CETLOE will also provide support and documentation on Vevox designed for them.  Though you will find it’s an amazingly intuitive tool for your students. 

For additional questions, please email us at