This assignment was from my Multimodal Composition class with Dr. Mary Hocks during the semester of Spring 2016. This class helped to shape my interest in working with multimodal. I never was very good when it came to using computers and this class beyond helped me to try my best and learn further. The assignment that I chose was a collaboration with a group. I worked with Jordan Abraham, Gustavo Garcia, and Meghan Hughes. For our project, we had to create a blog, which is the genre, that discusses something going on in the world today that also reflected in our everyday lives. We chose Invasion stories which can be seen throughout movies today and in the past as well where it reflects moments that occurred in history. For this project, I felt that our strengths were the different ideas that each of us brought to the table. By choosing each story that we chose whether it was a movie or a book I feel that it helped to get our point across. I wouldn’t change anything that we completed in this project, mainly because I wouldn’t change anything without discussing it with my group member but also because I felt that we showed our best work in this piece.