Tweet’s For Litte One’s Learning Center
JANUARY- Mentoring Month
- It’s National Mentor’s Month! Your Challenge is to show an experience of when you mentored! #mentorLittleOnesfp #LittleOnesfp
- Who have you helped mentor? Share your story! #MentorLittleOnesfp #LittleOnesfp
- What does mentoring mean to you? Share your thoughts! #MentorLittleOnesfp #LittleOnesfp
- How did National Mentoring start? Tell us what you think! #MentorLittleOnesfp #LittleOnesfp
- When mentoring you learn Patience! How do you show Patience? #MentorLittleOnesfp #LittleOnesfp [Insert Photo of Patience Definition]
- When mentoring you learn Leadership! Show your Leadership! #MentorLittleOnesfp #LittleOnesfp [Insert Photo of Leadership Definition]
- When mentoring you learn kindness! Show your kindness! #MentorLittleOnesfp #LittleOnesfp [Insert Photo of Kindness Definition]
- Where to Mentor? SAVE, Inc. (Shaping A Vision through Empowerment) #MentorLittleOnesfp #LittleOnesfp
JANUARY 18TH– 23RD– No-Name Calling Week
- We are taking a break from Mentoring Month and talking about No Name-Calling Month! #NoNamesLittleOnesfp #LittleOnesfp
- Here’s our queston! Why do you think there is a No Name Calling week? Share your thoughts! #NoNamesLittleOnesfp #LittleOnesfp
- Today we want to know if you have been called names. Share your story through a video we will too! #NoNamesLittleOnesfp #LittleOnesfp
- For you parents! Here are some tips for No-Name Calling week! #NoNamingLittleOnesfp #LittleOnesfp
FEBRUARY- Children’s Dental Month
- It’s Children’s Dental Month! We want you to share how you take care of your teeth! #TeethLittleOnesfp #LittleOnesfp @HealthMPowersU
- Tips for teeth! Brush your teeth before bedtime & one more time during the day with fluoride toothpaste #TeethLitleOnes #LittleOnesfp
- Tips for Healthy Teeth: Floss once a day! #TeethLitleOes #LittleOnesfp @farmtopreschool
- For healthy teeth you need to eat right, so not too many sugary foods and drinks #TeethLittleOnesfp #LittleOnesfp @captainplanetfd
- Another tip is to have regular dentist visits so your teeth are your best! #TeethLittleOnesfp #LittleOnesfp
- Chew, digest, talk, pronounce different sounds & give our face it’s shape is how teeth help us. #TeethLittleOnesfp #LittleOnesfp
- For the Parents! A book for bedtime on healthy teeth!I Brush! My Teeth by Holli Seabury and Frances Brooks #TeethLittleOnesfp #LittleOnesfp
- A book for the parents & kids! ABC Dentist: Healthy Teeth from A to Z by Harriet Ziefert and Liz Murphy! #TeethLittleOnesfp #LittleOnesfp
- It’s National Wear Red Day! Show your support by wearing red on National Wear Red Day for heart diseases #RedDayLittleOnesfp #LittleOnesfp
- It’s Random Acts of Kindness Week! Share your kindness through a video! #KindnessLittleOnesfp #LittleOnesfp
- Random Acts of Kindness makes a ripple effect and can make everyone’s day! #KindnessLittleOnesfp #LittleOnesfp
- “Kindness is the language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see.” -Mark Twain #KindnessLittleOnesfp #LittleOnesfp
- “You can accomplish by kindness what you cannot by force.”-Publilius Syrus #KindnessLittleOnesfp #LittleOnesfp
MARCH- American National Nutrition Month
- It’s American National Nutrition Month! They focus on helping others develop eating habits & activity habits. #ANNLittleOnesfp #LittleOnesfp
- Eat right! Share how you eat healthily! Show us what you eat to stay healthy! #ANNLittleOnesfp #LittleOnesfp @HealthMPowersU
- How do you exercise to stay healthy? Show us how you stay healthy with exercise! #ANNLittleOnesfp #LittleOnesfp
- How to build your kid’s lunch box! whole-grain bread, low-fat/fat-free dairy options & lean meats & proteins #ANNLittleOnesfp #LittleOnesfp
- For exercise go to the park with your kids! Take them to the soccer field, or play games on wii! #ANNLittleOnesfp #LittleOnesfp
- It’s National Sleep Awareness Week! Sleep one of the most important ingredients to being healthy! #SleepLittleOnesfp #LittleOnesfp
- Yeah can’t eat an hour before going to bed, it messes with your sleep. And make sure it’s a healthy snack! #SleepLittleOnesfp #LittleOnesfp
MARCH 16TH Kick Butt Day (Drug Free Day)
- Yeah can’t eat an hour before going to bed, it messes with your sleep. And make sure it’s a healthy snack! #SleepLittleOnesfp #LittleOnesfp @GaDOEParents
- It’s World Down Syndrome Day J #WDSDLittleOnesfp #LittleOnesfp @GaDOEParents
- WDSD date being the 21st of the 3rd month was selected to signify the triplication of the 21st chromosome. #WDSDLittleOnesfp #LittleOnesfp
- It’s American Diabetes Association Alert Day. So what is diabetes day? Share your thoughts! #AFAADLittleOnesfp #LittleOnesfp
APRIL- Youth Sports Safety Month
- It’s Youth Sports Safety Month! During the month we will give out tips on sports safety for kids! #SportsLittleOnesfp #LittleOnesfp
- Bring water to practice & games. Encourage kids to stay hydrated by drinking water before, during & after #SportsLittleOnesfp #LittleOnesfp
- How do you take care of yourself during practice and games? Share here! With #SportsLittleOnesfp #LittleOnesfp @GaDOEParents
- Stretching before practice & games can make a big difference by helping prevent sports-related injuries. #SportsLittleOnesfp #LittleOnesfp
- When off-season its important to exercise! It is recommended that kids get 10 weeks of rest #SportsLittleOnesfp #LittleOnesfp
- Coaches should be certified in first aid & CPR, learn the symptoms of a concussion & help avoid injury #SportsLittleOnesfp #LittleOnesfp
- Before playing organized sports, make sure kids receive a pre-participation physical exam by a doctor. #SportsLittleOnesfp #LittleOnesfp
- Here is a link for our parents to see how others deal with sports injury #SportsLittleOnesfp #LittleOnesfp
APRIL 28TH – Take Our Daughters and Sons to Work Day
- It’s Take Our Daughters and Sons to Work Day! Share pictures of your day with you parents and kids! #TODSTWDLittleOnesfp #LittleOnesfp
- Are you taking your daughter or son to work today? Share with us! #TODSTWDLittleOnesfp #LittleOnesfp @GaDOEParents
MAY- Family Support Month
- It’s Family Support Month! We will be sharing different ways for support! FSLittleOnesfp #LittleOnesfp @GaDOEParents
- Family and Friends support is important! Share how you support your family and friends #FSLittleOnesfp #LittleOnesfp
- Here are family policy and program supports #FSLittleOnesfp #LittleOnesfp
- Here are lovely tips for young parents: #FSLittleOnesfp #LittleOnesfp
- Who is your family & friend support? Share your story through video! #FSLittleOnesfp #LittleOnesfp
- In the modern day world, we all need support! Here is a link: #FSLittleOnesfp #LittleOnesfp
MAY 2ND-8TH National Anxiety and Depression Week
- This week is National Anxiety & Depression Week, which is a very important week to bring to light! #NADWLittleOnesfp #LittleOnesfpi
- What is depression? Depression is a condition when a person feels discouraged, sad, or hopeless. #NADWLittleOnesfp #LittleOnesfp
- What is anxiety disorders? It is when people are nervous, irritable, & have problems sleeping & concentrating#NADWLittleOnesfp #LittleOnesfp
- Depression & anxiety disorders are different. People with depression often experience symptoms like anxiety #NADWLittleOnesfp #LittleOnesfp
- Here are support groups for anyone with depression or anxiety disorder #NADWLittleOnesfp #LittleOnesfp
- 80% kids w/ a diagnosable anxiety disorder & 60% kids w/ diagnosable depression #NADWLittleOnesfp #LittleOnesfp