Kempner, Matt. “The Varsity, Atlanta’s Chili Dog Palace, Considers Its Future.” The Varsity, Atlanta’s Chili Dog Palace, Considers Its Future. The Atlanta Journal Constitution, 11 Feb. 2016. Web. 23 Feb. 2016.
In this article published in the Atlanta Journal Constitution, author Matt Kempner explains the recent shutting down of the Alpharetta location Varsity. In doing so, he also received word from president Gordon Muir, that the future plans of The Varsity is to open multiple smaller locations throughout the state (Winder being the first one to be established). Kempner then explains the reason the Varsity is of such high demand. Matt Kempner states “When I was indoctrinated enough to order a Frosted Orange drink at the Athens restaurant just by saying, “I’ll have an F.O.,” it may have been the first time I felt like I had become a legit Georgian,” giving hints the food isn’t what brings customers back, but the customer service and the relationship built between the restaurant and customer keeps The Varsity thriving.
This article is beneficial for my research with my interior built environment analysis, as it lays a foundation to what I should be looking for within The Varsity. This article, much like the one previously posted, focuses a lot on customer service and the relationship built between the restaurant and customer. Although the food is only considered decent, because of this article, I will be allowed to focus more on the relationships and things (according to the recent articles I’ve read) that keep The Varsity one of the most famous restaurants in Atlanta.