Annotated Bib. “The Varsity in Atlanta: Where memories (and chili dogs) are made”

Brock, Wendell. “The Varsity in Atlanta: Where Memories (and Chili) Are Made.” The Varsity in Atlanta: Where Memories (and Chili) Are Made. Atlanta Journal Constitution, 21 Oct. 2015. Web. 23 Feb. 2016.


In this article of Atlanta hot spot, The Varsity, author Wendell Brock explains the “magic” behind the success and popularity of the world’s largest drive-in restaurant. Brock explains, it’s not the food that impresses him or the customer service, but “…this venerable institution is how little it has changed” is what impresses him to this day. Brock discusses the color wave and the old time style pattern which allows reminiscences of previous occurrences in the past. Brock goes as far as describing the plate and how the food is delivered that makes remember the first time he had the Varsity in the 1980’s.

This article benefits my research by allowing a deeper insight into the company, past the food and past the service to see a part of history. Brock showed the history behind the Varsity and what makes it a high demand even after all these years. The food may not be all that good nor the customer service (compared to articles explaining the service) but the memories created there will last a lifetime. That is definitely going to open my mind and think greater and further than just what is in front of me at the moment, but into the depth and history behind the little things (plates, cups, attire, food, etc.).

Annotated Bib. “The Varsity: Owners of Atlanta Icon Face a Big Decision”

Kempner, Matt. “The Varsity, Atlanta’s Chili Dog Palace, Considers Its Future.” The Varsity, Atlanta’s Chili Dog Palace, Considers Its Future. The Atlanta Journal Constitution, 11 Feb. 2016. Web. 23 Feb. 2016.


In this article published in the Atlanta Journal Constitution, author Matt Kempner explains the recent shutting down of the Alpharetta location Varsity. In doing so, he also received word from president Gordon Muir, that the future plans of The Varsity is to open multiple smaller locations throughout the state (Winder being the first one to be established). Kempner then explains the reason the Varsity is of such high demand. Matt Kempner states “When I was indoctrinated enough to order a Frosted Orange drink at the Athens restaurant just by saying, “I’ll have an F.O.,” it may have been the first time I felt like I had become a legit Georgian,” giving hints the food isn’t what brings customers back, but the customer service and the relationship built between the restaurant and customer keeps The Varsity thriving.


This article is beneficial for my research with my interior built environment analysis, as it lays a foundation to what I should be looking for within The Varsity. This article, much like the one previously posted, focuses a lot on customer service and the relationship built between the restaurant and customer. Although the food is only considered decent, because of this article, I will be allowed to focus more on the relationships and things (according to the recent articles I’ve read) that keep The Varsity one of the most famous restaurants in Atlanta.

Annotated Bib. “The Varsity: Atlanta’s Classic Car Keeps on Cruising”

Olmsted, Larry. “The Varsity: Atlanta’s Classic Car Hop Keeps on Cruising.”USA Today. Gannett, 14 Feb. 2014. Web. 23 Feb. 2016.


In this article, author Larry Olmsted critics one of Atlanta’s most famous landmarks, The Varsity. He begins the article by explaining the scene and mood set around the restaurant, relaxed and a sporty feel to it. Olmsted also went into detail on all the restaurant has to offer including: dine-in, carry-out, or to-go through a window (much like sonic). Olmsted also told the capacity at which it can hold (600 cars and 800 diners). He later began to get in depth with the food and service, like a critic should, and pointed out the strengths and flaws. Olmsted even related to an past occurrence stating that “…the service is the same friendly, if a bit abrupt, smooth operation it has been since I first visited 20 years ago.” Olmsted pointed out many flaws and strengths in The Varsity, but ultimately agreed it was a “road-trip cuisine.”

I plan to use this article to help with my in-depth research of The Varsity as an interior design. This article really points out the history behind The Varsity with its customer service and popular food. This article is beneficial to me and my research, as it allows more depth and understanding of what I am studying to realize The Varsity is more than a restaurant, it is a part of history and has been since 1928.


His & Hers: Designing for a Post-Gender Society

Gender Roles and Fashion

In this article author Suzanne Tick goes in depth on how gender roles in America are changing and how fashion plays a huge role in this change. Tick starts the article discussing the concerning issue of equality among genders regardless of sex and choice of sex. She mentions how society is predominately a male run society until recent times of common feminism on the up rise. Starting with the viral speech by Emma Watson on the ‘He for She’ movement. Among the topic of feminism, Tick also mentions same sex marriage and how that is a positive movement as well. Tick stated “In the workplace, the barriers and hierarchies have started to come down as women have become more prominent. With Mother Nature becoming more important, sustainability started coming into play, and an emphasis on windows, daylight, and views has accompanied that” on the topic of the new wave and movement of America and countries around the world.


Identities and Change

Fashion is a big part of our everyday lives and keeps the world moving with new innovative and trendy designs. Recently, according to the article by Suzanne Tick, Alexander Wang came up with a new design that is not only appealing to women, but to men also. Tick identifies this as a feministic movement as gender roles are changing a lot these days, and it becomes harder to identify distinction between the two. Among this new women’s jacket also comes a line of a new make-up collection for men. This is very intriguing to the author, as usually only woman wear make-up until recently. The biggest issue of this recent gender swap, bathrooms. Tick stated her opinion of this situation in her article as: “Of course, bathrooms are only part of the puzzle in addressing gender inclusivity in the office, but they are spaces that are sensitive to such personal issues. In a recent case, an employee underwent gender-reassignment surgery during the summer break. On the employee’s return, both male and female coworkers went to human resources and said, “We don’t want this person in our bathroom. How can designers help address a situation like that—especially in a work culture where everyone is expected to collaborate closely?” Tick’s biggest concern with this issue is how we are going to solve it with a “gender-neutral design.” Her other concern is accommodating everyone and every gender to respectfully reach and tend to each of their needs.



Tick made valid arguments and provided greater evidence to support her beliefs and questions that arouse the new America. With constant change in sex roles, belief on gay marriage, and an uprising feminist movement Tick as well as millions of other Americans have the right to question how we are going to accommodate all the individuals of this subject matter. Tick described this as a “human phenomenon, and we need to design for the accumulation of different human beings who are out there by being respectful to individual needs, and creating environments in which people can have their own individualitymale-and-female-relationship-sign

“Making Bathrooms More Accommodating”



In this article, author Emily Balezon discusses the topic of transgenders and public bathrooms and then proceeds to explain how bathrooms are almost safe havens for some individuals. She starts the article by explaining the common differences in public bathrooms such as, the obvious male and female bathroom signs, then proceeds to explain how certain discomfort comes if the wrong gender were to walk through the opposites door. Balezon also began to address the problems with women’s restrooms and how inconvenient it is not having accommodating features like the males (urinals or something in like comparison).


Civil Issues Arouse

Balezon identified a student from Illinois, who is a transgender, was denied to change in the female’s locker room due to ‘privacy concerns’. As she got into depth upon the topic of the civil issue, due to the fact the student legally changed her sex to female, many others had comments on the situation and why she was denied the rights to change in the female locker room. Balezon proceeded to explain and argue how bathrooms were meant to ‘accommodate’ its users but isn’t with sexual tension regarding transgenders.



The first thing author Emily Balezon did was define accommodation, for its definition can often be misconstrued. Emily stated ‘‘Accommodate’’ comes from the Latin for ‘‘to make fitting.’’ It means to adapt, to bring into agreement or harmony, to furnish with something desired or needed, to favor or oblige. It can be a word of welcome and hospitality coming from a concierge or maître d’. But it can also have a compulsory aspect — it’s a word that involves moving over to make room for other people, whether you want to or not.” She began to explain in depth how this has been an issue for over a decade and provided history to prove sex orientated bathrooms have been dated all the way back to the Victorian Age.


A Woman’s Safe Haven and the View on Transgenders in the Bathrooms

The last thing the author mentioned in the article was women’s views on bathroom stalls and the time it takes for women to use the bathroom. The biggest complaint of author Emily Balezon was the waiting time for the bathroom at public places by women. Emily as well as many other women are “disturbed by what they see as an incursion by male anatomy.” “That’s their explanation for the ‘‘No Men in Women’s Bathrooms’’ T-shirts in Houston, and the resistance to letting transgender students into the locker room. It’s poignant: Transgender women say they are women, but some other women can only see them as men, and so they don’t want to make room.” The author wants a change on views of transgenders, but can’t help change the views of others. This article she wrote helps raise awareness to the gender bias of people and especially transgenders. Balezon just wants equality for everyone and for those transgenders, who already feel out of place, to fit in with their peers to make life a more enjoyable experience.male-and-female-relationship-sign

Mid term Reflection

Jacob Bergstrom

English 1102

February 15, 2016

Class Activity


Writing in this class is definitely a whole different aspect than traditional English classes. In this class we do more research rather than basic reading book papers making this class more interesting. This class is different in the aspect of research because we go out and do more by ourselves rather than have a teacher’s help and guide us. The amount of work however is similar to those of a normal English 1102 class.

The relationship between primary and secondary research is closely similar, just for primary you are actually going out there and studying the area or whatever the topic is and recording it for yourself. Whereas secondary research is a little easier because you just have to find a reliable source to quote and document. I plan to take this knowledge and apply it to my reading summaries to make them overall better in every aspect: writing, rhetoric, tone, depth, etc.

The situation is a blog post we are making for the people interested in what we have to say or who is interested in our research to further their knowledge on the topic. The audience of our work could use this research to enhance the writing of a paper. In fact, I recently had a peer of mine use my website to quote me from one of my blogs for a research paper. So I definitely believe these are being used to further and better someone else’s work and is highly beneficial.

Writing in a blog is completely different than writing in a traditional English class. In a blog the work is not as formal as a typical collegiate paper. In a blog we are more likely to use everyday language or slang to define a typical topic, whereas a normal collegiate class you are typically very formal. Multimodalities are a huge role in research, as I’ve learned back in English 1101, but wasn’t fully utilizing and understanding it until this class.



Some of my strengths and weaknesses on my writing is sometimes over using normal conversational talk in my research papers and blog posts. I generally tend to make it as realistic as I can get (much like an everyday conversation one would have on the way to work or while getting coffee) which also harms me, for I use too much ‘slang’ and everyday language. I also feel this is a strength of mine as well. I am making these blog posts to where anyone could understand it ad stay focused in and on the topic instead of letting their mind wonder from boredom. So overall, I need to focus on limiting my use of slang but also focus on keeping it realistic while keeping it academically correct.

I am actually part of a Group Me with a few classmates to help myself as well as those in the group chat. It helps because we all remind each other of due dates, specific details, and other useful details one person would usually forget. The Group Me so far has been the most helpful for me.

I have attempted some extra points, but it gets difficult sometimes when you have multiple things due within a week time span and always have outside work for this class. It is a very time consuming class and for people with limited time it gets harder to maximize points. Any pictures for points or easy questions and comments are always an easy way to get points. I feel though as if, even if we did do the outside ‘extra credit’ work we still wouldn’t receive proper pointing for it though. There are a lot of hidden rules and restrictions that go untold until it has already been submitted.

As far as effort goes, I feel as if I am doing moderately well with my busy schedule I have following the class. I plan to put more effort into this class once busy schedule slows down a bit, if it ever does. Other than that, I am still going to try to maximize points.


I realized you definitely couldn’t just write on your blog as if you were talking to someone. Although it is perceived that way from the rubrics and guidelines, I still have to stay more formally academically correct. Also I plan to begin to study the rubric more and follow the specific guidelines rather than assuming the rubric allows more academic freedom.

I will definitely incorporate asking and answering more questions my peers ask, as well as being as involved as possible in my class discussions and posts. This will help me maximize points and come out with a higher grade.

Built Environment

134e61d7-fa98-4bb4-9a04-b2be9c071889In this image of the Little Five Points sign, placed on Moreland Avenue, one could easily see the environment and feeling around the area. Little Five points gives off a “hippy” vibe while allowing people to explore deep into their creative arts side. It is definitely a good soft feeling without worry or any sense of life threatening danger (unlike some areas of Moreland Avenue).