Better Online Living through Content Moderation

In the article “Better Living through Content Moderation” , by Melissa King focuses on the content control of internet users. Content moderation such as , blocking someone from social media , muting unwanted noise, privacy options , content warning , and enabling pop -ups , gives internet users more control of their online space. The freedom of choice to disapprove and approve unwanted websites or people have caused controversy among our culture.”Yet users of those tools face constant cultural opposition, often maligned as “weak” and “too sensitive” (King). By criticizing the mere use of optional social moderation tools, opponents are creating a culture that pressures people to expose themselves to experiences far more catastrophic than they can handle”King). Some may feel that content moderation is used by feeble and/or cowardly users. In addition , they feel that one should not take offensive to negative websites or people , or in Kings words “don’t feed the trolls” (trolls meaning the offensive and abusive content). However , the use of content moderation is very important and is vital for internet security. Furthermore, prolonged exposure to bulling , violent , and inappropriate content can causes psychological problems such as PTSD ( post traumatic stress disorder) , depression , anxiety attacks ,(according to King)  and unfortunately suicidal thoughts or actions.

In a ideal world , one wouldn’t need privacy options and a block-list because no one wouldn’t harass or offended others, and the internet would be full of fun , research , and kind people. However , internet abuse is one of the top reasons for teenagers committing suicide , and It has played a role in some homicide cases as well. At least 6 people out of my graduating high school class has committed suicide due to verbal and embarrassing content. None the less , one of my closet friends (Shaunnie Taylor 1995 – 2014) was killed because she was talking to this guy over the internet and the guy started gaining feelings for her. When Shaunnie told him she was uninterested , her online lover started to stalk her . Later on , The guy founded her address online by using a a websites such as (White Pages or Yellow Book) and caught her walking from her house. The guy stared approaching her and kidnapped her then raped and killed her. Shaunnie had no clue on how dangerous the internet is. Only if Shaunnie used the available content moderation, at the first signs of their online relationship , she will be here today.The internet can cause psychological harm and potential physical harm not to only the internet user but their family and friends.

Many people don’t realize nor understand how useful content moderation can be. “Ultimately, easy one-size-fits-all solutions ignore the diversity of human psyches and experiences. Content control tools take this fact into account, and give people more room to act on behalf of their own mental and emotional needs”. In conclusion , different content affect people in different ways. No one should expect for any internet user to brush every negative comment off their shoulders. In addition , content moderation causes better virtual environments and it gives the internet user control of what they view to satisfy their mental and psychological needs.

Work Cited

King, Mellisa. “Better Online Living through Content Moderation.” Model View Culture. 15 Oct. 2015. Web. 21 Mar. 2016.

Reading Summary 5 : Color Walking

when people walk or ride through places, some may notice the object it self and often ignores the color. Colors are vibrant  and sometimes objects may become more appealing due to their color. Thanks to William Burroughs , he noticed and appreciated the beauty of colors and advised his students to explore color walking. Color walking is when one goes for a walk and uses the colors around them for a sense of direction.Most people explore color walking to relieve stress or to enjoy a simple activity. For example , one can notice a vibrant red door which leads them to notice a woman with red hair walking by. By following colors it helps ones notice colors and objects they usually wouldn’t notice on a day to day basis. In addition Phia Bennin and Brendan Mcmullan took Burroughs up on his idea , and explored color walking.

Bennin and Mcmullan decided to explore color walking in the city of Manhattan .When they went to explore the colors of their surroundings , they chose to switch from color to color rather than sticking with one. “We decided to give it whirl, and allow ourselves the flexibility to switch from color to color: a woman’s lavender handbag might draw us to the right; a yellow cab could pull us down a side street; a green pistachio ice cream cone could shove us into the park”(Bennin). Bennin and Mcmullan let the colors navigate them through the city .While they was color walking , the different colors drew them into other amazing colors.The first color they noticed was the blue on a woman scarf. The two authors was so fascinated they insisted on taking her picture.

“This lovely woman was happy to let us take a picture of her scarf, but she told us it would “look better on someone else.” We, of course, disagree “(Bennin).

The two color walkers drew their attention to something so small as blue chipping nails. By the end of their adventure , the colors was stuck in “color mode” s they payed attention to all the vivid colors around them.”At the end of the afternoon, the colors hung in our brains and eyes. We walked away seeing a world brimming over with colors: the rusty orange of a rooftop water tower in the sun, a bright blue mohawk, and the humble yellowy greens of a new leaf all jumped into our eyes” (Bennin).

Bennin and Mcmullan adventure with color walking has shown them the beauty of colors among the city of Manhattan. Color walking helps people pay attention to the beauty of colors, such as blue nails on a woman fingers , or the green color on a leaf. Color walking broadens one mind and help one pay attention to detail. Color walking is a fun simple activity that keeps one mind rumbling with all sorts of colors and to give attention to colors that sometimes go unnoticed. Something so easy as color walking can make a big difference in how one can view their environment.


work cited

Bennin, Phia, and Brendan Mcmullan. “Color Walking.” Radiolab Blogland. Radiolab, 29 June 2012. Web. 15 Mar. 2016.

Making Bathrooms More Accommodating

Making Bathrooms more accommodating has been an issue for a while , because bathrooms are not really accommodating. ‘‘Accommodate’’ comes from the Latin for ‘‘to make fitting.’’ It means to adapt, to bring into agreement or harmony, to furnish with something desired or needed, to favor or oblige(Bazelon 2015).Women and men are “use to” the requirements of bathrooms and are forced to give up certain freedoms because of their physical appearance. According to Bazelon , Bathrooms are worried spaces that people are forced to feel defenseless.Society has raised awareness about segregation with color, people with disabilities, and social classes ; However , they are blind to the segregation of bathrooms. Bathrooms force men and women to go in a certain space that they may or may not feel comfortable in. These spaces uses physical appearance to dictate who goes where. Using physical traits to separate people can become a concern of transgender people.Transgenders often conflict with picking a designated bathroom. Should a transgender man go to the women bathroom because he partially meet the  physical criteria of being a women or should they be judged off original gender? I am  sure these questions play a big role to transgender people when they are deciding to pick a certain space they are comfortable in. Even though transgenders often struggles with the inconvenience of sex-based bathrooms , it causes problems for regular men and women. Imagine waiting in line for a open stall in your designated bathroom while the opposite sex bathroom is vacant.One shouldn’t be inconvenience because one doesn’t meet the physical criteria. Furthermore one shouldn’t feel have to feel uncomfortable because the people that share common women/men features makes them feel like they don’t belong. In addition , bathrooms are another example of how built environments controls an community. From Bazelon’s perspective , Accommodating bathrooms only accommodates a particular group which can causes involuntary segregation. In male bathrooms , there are bathroom urinals that accommodate men , but if a young lady was in a hurry to use the restroom but the ladies room was full she will be forced to wait until she was able to urinate in the “women stalls”. So when we look back on the definition “accommodating” it doesn’t adjust to to everyone needs. In conclusion bathrooms can’t accommodate society by labeling certain spaces based on physical identities.The problem is that this vastly oversimplifies the experience of transgender people and the biology of chromosomes, which can appear in other combinations. There is a spectrum of male and female, and no one definition of accommodation (Bazelon 2015). Bathrooms can’t accommodate one group without inconveniencing the other.In addition , to eliminate the problems that sex based bathrooms causes is to have private unisex bathrooms.There is a spectrum of male and female, and no one definition of accommodation. Some people, transgender or otherwise, like single-stall bathrooms that are unisex (or all-gender, the word that’s lately in favor)(Bazelon 2015).In conclusion bathrooms shouldn’t make people choose a certain identity , it should be a space where one shouldn’t have to feel vulnerable nor feel like they don’t belong because they don’t meet the physical appearance.


Work Cited

Bazelon, Emily. “Making Bathrooms More Accommodating.” New York Times Magazine.17 Nov 2015. Web. 18 Feb 2016.

Reading Summary 3

The article “Recognizing Campus Landscapes as Learning Spaces” by Kathleen G. Scholl and Gowri Betrabet, explains how natural spaces promotes attention learning resources for students. According to Scholl and Gulwadi , technology impacts students learning potential and open fields , green trees with nature’s flowers and insects provides a better learning and attention space for students . Many may think technology benefits students learning and attention abilities because of the discoveries and cures that’s been revealed from technology; However , it has became a major concern for its students and feel as though natural spaces inhibits one’s attention span. Natural spaces creates a learning environment for students and promote better studying skills. In addition , Universities are responsible for providing natural spaces to enhance learning for students. Today , Most university’s give more energy into the latest technology , modern classrooms , and the physical design of the buildings rather than the natural spaces such as , open fields and spacious trees. Most campuses are ignoring the learning benefits of natural spaces and just use them to provide more technological and modern spaces.Today’s university must be resilient spaces in which the learning environment encompasses more than technology upgrades , classroom additions , and its academic buildings – in fact , the entire campus , including its open space ,must be perceived as a holistic learning experience (Gumprecht,2003 ;Gutierrez 2013 ;Kenny , Dumont,& Kenny , 2005 ). University’s should focus on providing more spacious environments because students like my self , find it difficult to focus on school work when there is technology present. Technology is a beneficial source when accumulating research However , it can be a major distraction in student learning environments. Increased technology use within today’s multitasking society is likely to hijack a student’s attentional resource placing her/him at risk of underachieving academic learning goals and undermining success at a university ( Fried,2008; Tennessen,& Cimprich,  1995; Wentworth & Middleton , 2014. In addition , technology decreases students productivity and it can undermine students success by limiting their attention spans and creativity. Knowing the technology distractions , University’s are still blind to students need for natural spaces. Eventhough ,technology has played a role in everyday life , Universities shouldn’t feel obligated to stay “up to date ” with technological advances because it misrepresent the purpose of a college campus. The word campus , (derived from a latin word  for “field”- “an expanse surrounded…by woods,higher ground , etc.,Harper, n.d.) was associated with college grounds to describe Princeton University in the 1770’s (Eckert,2012;Turner, 1984) and now refers to the overall physical quality of higher education institutions (Bowman, 2011). Early American college priority’s  was not to keep pace with technological advances. Their objective was to provide natural spaces and let students roam free with their knowledge creativity and learning efficiency. Early institutions like Cornell University , has still maintained to provide natural spaces for their students. Sixty-six percent of Cornell’s campus consist of natural spaces which correlates with their 87% graduation rate. In Conclusion student’s educational success heavily depends on their environment. Can you imagine trying to compose a 5 page essay in a busy City , closed in 4 walls , with technology hovering around you? One can admit that their focus and their work is better when they are in open space. Natural spaces promote attention efficiency and University’s should focus on promoting students learning environments with natural spaces.



work cited

Scholl,Kathleen, & Gowri Betrabet Gulwadu. “Recognizing campus Landscapes as Learning Spaces.” Journal of Learning Spaces [Online], 4.1 (2015): n. pag. Web.19 Feb.2016

*NERSESSOVA, IRINA. “Tapestry Of Space: Domestic Architecture And Underground Communities In Margaret Morton’s Photography Of A Forgotten New York.” Disclosure 23 (2014): 26. Advanced Placement Source. Web. 20 Nov. 2015.

The article, “Tapestry of Space: Domestic Architecture and Underground Communities in Margaret Morton’s Photography of a Forgotten New York”. Explains the true meaning of homelessness. Nersessova has conveyed that home renters and financiers are just as vulnerable as homeless people. Society has categorized homeless people as poor and unstable by their physical home. However, society feel as though if one have a home above ground that one is stable and financially secured. Nersessova claim is that home renters are in fact “homeless” because their home is owned by a landlord or renter. Nersessova explains that their vulnerability is  similar because both categories don’t rightfully own anything and can be moved out just as quickly as a “homeless person”. The article explains that homeless people are in fact not homeless because they go to their own environment that they created underground. When one drives through the tunnel, they may see cardboard boxes and various types of blankets, and graffiti. One may convey that these are where “homeless people” stay but to Nesessova these are where people who do have a home stay , but the physical appearance is different. One doesn’t has to have four windows, a door, and a kitchen to become not homeless. One can be just as homeless as someone living under the tunnel if they don’t rightfully own that property. Many people judge homeless people on material circumstances. If someone see a person going inside a house that is not owned by them, but is big and fancy they will assume that they are stable. On the other hand, when one see a homeless person going to their cardboard box , they automatically assume they are homeless and unstable. Many use spectacle to create this visual image on how one feel they should live and posses. “The term “spectacle” is used to comment on society’s reliance on consumption through image promotion; therefore, in a society of the spectacle, individuals understand themselves by means of mass media. Human relationships and contact are thoroughly influenced by images of commodities people are made to feel they need, and the accumulation of commodities evolves into that of spectacles because people can no longer directly experience reality. Everything is a representation, and images dictate what people desire to have.”(Nersessova [1]) From this article Nersessova displayed that society has brainwashed people into thinking that a “stable home” is a home that above ground with material desires and mass media have portrayed that one should have and possess these materials and have a certain type of house. However a house is a form of creatively and a reflection of one self , the house can be above or underground, made from cardboard or stone. The ability to lose that creation is as fragile housed person , meaning that if one is homeless or housed the ability to lose their home is the same. If one doesn’t own a house, and they stop making payments they will be forced out there home. In addition , if a homeless person “home” was destroyed by  pedestrian or public officials it would cause the same impact on the person houses or not housed. In conclusion society has lost the true definition of homelessness , and has let society misinterpreted the true definition of a “home”.

*SCHINDLER, SARAH. “Architectural Exclusion: Discrimination And Segregation Through Physical Design Of The Built Environment.” Yale Law Journal 124.6 (2015): 1934-2024. Academic Search Complete. Web. 20 Nov. 2015.

Throughout history, people have used varied methods to exclude undesirable Individuals from places where they were not wanted (Schindler p.1942). The article, SCHINDLER, SARAH. “Architectural Exclusion: Discrimination and Segregation through Physical Design of The Built Environment” convey that white/wealthier classes were voluntarily condoning the use of built environments to segregate people by their class or ethnicity. From New York to Atlanta, people are manipulating built environment’s for racial and prejudice circumstances. A built environment such as a bridge is built intentionally low so that public transportation (buses), are not be able to get through the bridge. Buses were mainly used by people of a lower class and minorities such as African Americans. “Wealthy, mostly white residents of the northern Atlanta suburbs have vocally opposed efforts to expand MARTA into their neighborhoods for the reason that doing so would give people of color easy access to suburban communities. The lack of public transit connections to areas north of the city makes it difficult for those who rely on transit—primarily the poor and people of color—to access job opportunities located in those suburbs” (Schindler p.1937). This statement gives proof of the higher class malicious intent to segregate themselves from minorities. The higher class blinds the legal enforcement by explaining that restricting public transportation would reduce noise and promote safety, which is not necessarily true. However, the law enforcers abide by the higher class justifications and therefore didn’t permit buses coming to the wealthier/white neighborhoods. The majority (whites), uses the built environment’s to their advantage to eliminate black people form their community. People that shapes the built environment (Infrastructures) has ultimately used the built environment as a form of regulation than physical design. These physical barriers in place forces minorities and poor people to not have access to well-paid jobs, or access to upscale living. In addition the “slight in convenience “is forcing them to stay in their environment.This “slight convenience” is causing states , Tennessee , to build a highway indirectly to separate whites and negro’s communities.”One could view this as a prime example of a court suggesting that architecture is not its business; the court failed to see this architectural decision as a regulatory decision with which it should be concerned. Rather, it saw the architectural decision as an issue for planners, engineers, and the executive—rather than the legislative or judicial—branches of government The whites are creating physical barriers to separate themselves and law enforcement fail to see it”.(Schindler 1999).The injustice practices that have been accepted throughout the United States proves that segregation is still alive today its just a different method. Using these built environments and persuading law enforcement that its anything besides racism is false and has been proven with many scenario’s(buses, highways , and road signs).  Throughout this article, Schindler focuses on how government and infrastructures uses physical environments such as, bridges, road signs, and public transportation to regulate segregation and discrimination across the United States and inhibit minorities to from accessing better environments and migrating to where they please.