*NERSESSOVA, IRINA. “Tapestry Of Space: Domestic Architecture And Underground Communities In Margaret Morton’s Photography Of A Forgotten New York.” Disclosure 23 (2014): 26. Advanced Placement Source. Web. 20 Nov. 2015.

The article, “Tapestry of Space: Domestic Architecture and Underground Communities in Margaret Morton’s Photography of a Forgotten New York”. Explains the true meaning of homelessness. Nersessova has conveyed that home renters and financiers are just as vulnerable as homeless people. Society has categorized homeless people as poor and unstable by their physical home. However, society feel as though if one have a home above ground that one is stable and financially secured. Nersessova claim is that home renters are in fact “homeless” because their home is owned by a landlord or renter. Nersessova explains that their vulnerability is  similar because both categories don’t rightfully own anything and can be moved out just as quickly as a “homeless person”. The article explains that homeless people are in fact not homeless because they go to their own environment that they created underground. When one drives through the tunnel, they may see cardboard boxes and various types of blankets, and graffiti. One may convey that these are where “homeless people” stay but to Nesessova these are where people who do have a home stay , but the physical appearance is different. One doesn’t has to have four windows, a door, and a kitchen to become not homeless. One can be just as homeless as someone living under the tunnel if they don’t rightfully own that property. Many people judge homeless people on material circumstances. If someone see a person going inside a house that is not owned by them, but is big and fancy they will assume that they are stable. On the other hand, when one see a homeless person going to their cardboard box , they automatically assume they are homeless and unstable. Many use spectacle to create this visual image on how one feel they should live and posses. “The term “spectacle” is used to comment on society’s reliance on consumption through image promotion; therefore, in a society of the spectacle, individuals understand themselves by means of mass media. Human relationships and contact are thoroughly influenced by images of commodities people are made to feel they need, and the accumulation of commodities evolves into that of spectacles because people can no longer directly experience reality. Everything is a representation, and images dictate what people desire to have.”(Nersessova [1]) From this article Nersessova displayed that society has brainwashed people into thinking that a “stable home” is a home that above ground with material desires and mass media have portrayed that one should have and possess these materials and have a certain type of house. However a house is a form of creatively and a reflection of one self , the house can be above or underground, made from cardboard or stone. The ability to lose that creation is as fragile housed person , meaning that if one is homeless or housed the ability to lose their home is the same. If one doesn’t own a house, and they stop making payments they will be forced out there home. In addition , if a homeless person “home” was destroyed by  pedestrian or public officials it would cause the same impact on the person houses or not housed. In conclusion society has lost the true definition of homelessness , and has let society misinterpreted the true definition of a “home”.

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