The outside of the resturant displays the red color scheme and the design off the vortex resturant. This picture that I observed and research was that the colors was red and black , ithe was a,so liked a club type frame because it had the beer Lobos on the
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Built environment interior picture 4
Built environment description interior pic 2
Interior description pic 3
This picture displays one of the artifacts present at the site. The Skeleton on the motorcycle located right by the bar gives the vibe for rock and roll and was most likely created for young people. This picture represents the type of vibe they have in the bar. The rest of the bar and resturants are very explicit and are not intended for children
Built environment description interior pic 1
This picture represent the menu of the vortex grill which could persuade the audience which is the reader and the customers to advertise the food and to persuade them to buy some food . The menu from the vortex displays all the food they carry and when I seen the menu they used a lot of adjectives to make the food seem appealing
Built environment description , exterior pic5
This picture displays the neatness and structure of the apartment in eastlake which could convince the audience that the apartments are clean and kept up. This picture also repents the the green tress which I discovered while taking s trip to east lake , green trees and green space is all over east lake which could be appealing to customers
Built environment description , exterior pic4
This picture displays the open green space at east lake , which could convince the audience which are the future residents that they have open green space to walk spend time in golf course and to relax . East lake once again represent the color of green , which could convince the future residence that east lake is about open space
Built environment description , exterior pic3
Built environment description , exterior pic2
Built environment description , exterior pic 1
this picture represents the green space that’s east lake has and the clean and neat this the community has which give the audience to understand that east lake keep their house clean so they can convince the audience that east lake is a clean community so that the future residence that east lake is the place to live