- ~Who is the audience? Tourists interested in NY, homeowners, people interested in homelessness, economists
- ~ Purpose:
- Critique economic system (economists)
- Homeowners to raise awareness & to critique
- to think differently in our position
- arguing on behalf a historical interpretation
- to inform
- creating empathy
- ~Context? when published?
- 2014; Context 2014 economic recovery, unemployment not coming down, people renting more, (2008 housing market crash & economy- recession)
- ~Why this audience?
- ~What is important economy point when economy recovery, particularly creating empathy?
- even economy recovering, only recently emerging from that experience or know people that had this, people more receptive at this moment
- ~Audience, purpose, context in the argument
- ~What is her argument? what is her critique of the economy?
- media create that link makes consumer desire happen
- ~What images do we see in media
- Lavish; images of the 1%; conditions us to want that; moves economy
- ~What is problem with this?
- People can become obsessed with this; market collapse people got one their heads; get caught up on individual wants, needs, desires …… collapse people wanted to gain money and did not see consequences
- ~Why Morton’s photography? What does Morton’s photography do?
- maybe how Morton tries to generate a certain kind of emotion
- images we normally do not see
- ~Market crash …lost homes…mental illness, lost healthcare right before market crash
- ~Morton’s photography
- generate empathy, show other things instead of consumer desire..(me me me) …counterbalancing other media images questions our desires to reevaluate what we need
- ~Evidence Morton has
- Photographs, interviews (1st hand testimonials), psychology, use a bit of statistics but not shows magnitude
- ~Offers any solutions? not really; raising awareness, just informing, uses qualitative evidence but maybe not enough for policy makers