Speed Advising & Mock Interviews Workshop Reminder
Happy Friday, everyone!
I know you’re all eager for Thanksgiving Break to finally arrive (hello, Netflix!), but save the date while you’re still in school mode:
The next Professional Development Workshop (PDW) will be held the week after Thanksgiving on Thursday, December 1st, 2016 in PSC 203 from 8am-9:15am!
You won’t want to miss this one – it’s a chance to practice your interview skills on the phone (graduate schools don’t mess around) and talk one-on-one or in small groups with a panel of advisors comprised of graduate students, faculty mentors, departmental advisors, and more about anything from career and application advice to research, coursework, and academic scholarships!
As always, faculty, staff, and students, whether you’re affiliated with IMSD or not, are all welcome! Coffee and donuts on us.