Annotated Bib. #10

"Campus Carry is Now Law, but Isn’t in Effect Until Next Year." SMU Daily Campus. SMU Daily Campus, 19 Apr. 2015. Web. 27 Apr. 2016.

“Campus Carry is Now Law, but Isn’t in Effect Until Next Year.” SMU Daily Campus. SMU Daily Campus, 19 Apr. 2015. Web. 27 Apr. 2016.

In this article “The Real Danger of Guns in Schools”, written by Sonja West, a law professor at the University of Georgia, she discusses how the new campus-carry bill is a significant threat to the state’s colleges and universities. In the opening of this article, West speaks on a mass shooting that happened as The University of Iowa in 1991, how this shooting affected the administrators, faculty, staff, and students and how they shared this horror and grief together. She now stands on the other side of the podium teaching law. She goes on to address her stance on the campus- carry bill which is as stated: “This time, however, it is in response to our state’s legislature’s push to bring concealed weapons onto our campus and into our classrooms and offices.” The Georgia “Campus Carry” legislation Bill went through both chambers of the state legislature and sat on Gov. Nathan Deal’s desk waiting for his approval, which led to him he issuing a statement requesting a change to certain parts of the bill. The NRA urged the governor and the members to reach out to him in support of the bill while it was opposed universally by every university community.

“According to nationwide surveys, 94 percent of college faculty, 95 percent of college presidents, 9 in 10 college students oppose concealed weapons on campus.” As referenced in the article. Throughout the years campus-carry laws have gained significant political traction, this debate centers around whether guns make schools more or less safe. The real threat that West speaks of is the “evisceration of academic freedom.” West suggests for colleges and universities to be effective, instructors must be willing to discuss and teach controversial or unpopular ideas without fear of government retribution or censorship. Next, West goes on to give a brief overview of our troubling history here in the state of Georgia. She discusses how Governor Eugene Talmadge led a direct assault on the state’s institutions of higher education by declaring to fire any employees who stood for “racial equality or communism.” However, this resulted in Talmadge removing and replacing several Board of Regents employees until he had a board that would do his bidding. After one year, Talmadge’s political grab ended after several Georgia colleges and universities lost their accreditation, which led to Talmadge defeat in his run for re-election.

West concludes her article by shedding light on the bigger picture which is how guns will appear related to a school’s academic mission and that passing this law will discourage the teaching of sensitive issues and the curriculum altogether. By forcing guns onto college campuses, will only make it harder for schools to recruit and retain top students and professors. This campus-carry law would add higher costs for training, security, insurance, and counseling to address the already elevated rates among students of physical and sexual violence, depression, drug and alcohol abuse, and suicide. If the state doesn’t provide additional funding to cover these costs, this money will be taken out of the budgets for other educational purposes or collected through increased student tuition. Thus, public institutions of higher education are supposed to be places of intellectual curiosity where thought and expression are free, yet those who are duty it is to provide those freedoms advise that guns are a problem and us as citizens should listen to them. I found this article absorbing and informal because this does not only affect public colleges in the Atlanta area but throughout the state of Georgia.

West, Sonja. “Georgia’s Campus Carry Bill is Terrible.” Slate Magazine. The Slate Group, 22 Mar. 2016. Web. 27 Apr. 2016.

Revised Annotated Bib. #6

Ervin, Christopher. "Students sitting in circle listening to teacher outside on campus of New Trier High School." Photograph. Teaching Portfolio. WordPress, June 1950. Web. 27 Apr. 2016.

Ervin, Christopher. “Students sitting in circle listening to teacher outside on campus of New Trier High School.” Photograph. Teaching Portfolio. WordPress, June 1950. Web. 27 Apr. 2016.

Center For Teaching. “Ask Professor Pedagogy: Holding Class Outside | Center for Teaching | Vanderbilt University.” Center for Teaching | Vanderbilt University. N.p., 5 Apr. 2013. Web. 27 Apr. 2016. <Vanderbilt University>.

In this commentary that’s apart of the center for teaching department of Vanderbilt University, an anonymous  professor with the name “Window-Gazer” askes Professor P is there a way to have class outside without wasting a whole class period due to his/her students routinely asking. In response to Window-Gazer’s question Professor P gives ‘Window-Gazer” some things to think about such as rethinking of new ways to incorporate introducing ideas in meaningful ways. Professor P then goes on to give Window-Gazer a few things to consider as to why hosting class outside can be beneficial. The following considerations are: being outdoors can put course concepts in a new context, use nature to discuss “big ideas” in your course, and use nature to emphasize course readings or concepts. However, the main key to having a successful outdoor classroom session is to not “the outdoors” be the distraction, but to redefine your notions of a classroom. I found this commentary interesting because it gives you reasons as to why having class outside can be effective as Scholl and Gowri discusses throughout “Recognizing Campus L:andscapes as Learning Spaces”.

Revised Annotated Bib. #5

Celeste, Eric. "Solving Downtown's Homeless Problem Begins with Taking the Red Pill | Cover Story." Creative Loafing Atlanta. Creative Loafing Atlanta, 3 Nov. 2011. Web. Apr. 2016.

Celeste, Eric. “Solving Downtown’s Homeless Problem Begins with Taking the Red Pill | Cover Story.” Creative Loafing Atlanta. Creative Loafing Atlanta, 3 Nov. 2011. Web. 27 Apr. 2016.

Celeste, Eric. “Solving Downtown’s Homeless Problem Begins with Taking the Red Pill | Cover Story.” Creative Loafing Atlanta. Creative Loafing Atlanta, 3 Nov. 2011. Web. 27 Apr. 2016.

In this article written by Eric Celeste, he discusses how homelessness is a major problem in downtown Atlanta and that it needs to be solved. Celeste explains how he viewed Atlanta when he first stayed in downtown for a week and how no matter where you went downtown you’ll see homeless people near hotel entrances, in the streets, or on street corners camped out. The reason why he believes the homeless population is so big downtown is due to the shelter and route up Peachtree to Pine where you see various types of homeless people: aggressive, cracked up, and angry. This is what he believes is the issue, the dichotomy of homeless people located in downtown. He then goes on to talk about how he and a friend visited different homeless organizations to observe them passing out food and blankets. According to A.J. Robinson, the homeless issue is a blessing and a curse due to downtown’s response of showing they care and the overabundance of homelessness downtown due to no one else doing it regularly. Also, the Neighborhood Planning Units (NPUs) want the problem of homelessness to go away. However, this issue will not be solved until Peachtree-Pine shelter is gone.


Annotated Bib. #9

"Study: Atlanta Traffic 7th Worst in Nation." Writ. Jay Black. News 95.5 AM750 WSB. Atlanta. 13 Feb. 2013.

“Study: Atlanta Traffic 7th Worst in Nation.” Writ. Jay Black. News 95.5 AM750 WSB. Atlanta. 13 Feb. 2013.

In this blog entry, Darin Givins expresses his thoughts about Atlanta’s built environment. In the opening, Givins examines an interview with Jim Durrett of the Buckhead Community Improvement by the website Curbed Atlanta, who expressed his thoughts on how there needs to be an improvement on transportation. In this entry Givins insists that unless the built environment is accommodated into an alternative that is more pedestrian and bicycle friendly, then people will continue to rely on cars for transportation, creating traffic. He then goes on to make an amusing point about public transportation and the trouble Atlantans often seem to have an understanding of traffic flow and city form. He believes the reason Atlantans view the Metropolitan Atlanta Rapid Transit Authority (MARTA) as a transit system that doesn’t go anywhere is because the design of the city is sprawling, encouraging the use of cars more while discouraging walking, bicycling, and public transportation. Lastly, Givins discusses how telecommuting is an answer and how it isn’t a reasonable solution because it doesn’t promote smart growth and alternative transportation. It’s viewed more as an anti-smart and transit system that isn’t showing much progress. I found this blog entry knowledgeable by I never thought about the built environment centered around transportation for metropolitan cities as mentioned in this blog entry.


Givens, Darin. “Atlurbanist.” Web log post. Reducing Car Trips in Atlanta The Quote in This… ATL Urbanist, May 2015. Web. 10 Apr. 2016

Annotated Bib. #8

"Have You Spotted A Lost Playing Field?" Kingdom FM & Aiir. United Kingdom. 19 Feb. 2015.

“Have You Spotted A Lost Playing Field?” Kingdom FM & Aiir. The United Kingdom. 19 Feb. 2015.

“The Importance of Green Spaces in Improving the Health of Communities.” The Playing Field, November 26, 2014.

In this article, “The Importance of Green Spaces in Improving Health of communities,” advocates and confirms that green spaces are essential in healthy development for communities. Local green spaces offer endless opportunities and provide people with great experiences while doing outdoor recreational activities or socializing interaction. There are various ways that green spaces impacts an environment positively while there are some negative influences due to a lack of green spaces. Having access to green spaces may influence those living in that particular area to be more physically active. According to the report from the UCL institute of Health Equity, having green spaces provide great health benefits such as an improved immune system, better sleep, and can lead to saving money in the future for physical and mental health problems. Also, those who live in deprived areas do not have access to green spaces, and the lack of green spaces can lead to depression. Lastly, this article discusses the importance of allowing the community to decide on what they want in their community, and if their needs have been met, they will use and look after the facilities that are provided. This article was interesting to me by these communities in The United Kingdom get to decide on what will benefit them the most in their community, while here in America if you come from a small town, you don’t get to make those decisions the city board member’s do.

Annotated Bib. #7

Thomas, Kelsey. “PHOTOS: Urban Design Gets People Moving – Next City.” Next City. Accessed April 8, 2016.

Thomas, Kelsey. “PHOTOS: Urban Design Gets People Moving – Next City.” Next City. Accessed April 8, 2016.

In this article Kelsey Thomas shared the following photo as the winner of a contest that Penn Institute for Urban Research and the Center for Public Health initiated. The contest was designed for photographers to capture the ways public spaces and environments promote health and well-being to get people involved with outdoor life. The photo above was taken be Ben Chrisinger in Philadelphia’s Fairmount Park. There were two other runner-ups who captured pictures at a Philadelphia waterfront pop-up park and Schuylkill River Trail. The purpose of the contest was to demonstrate how various urban environments make people be physically involved and active. From the lakes and forest trails to the community recreational centers, how do urban environments keep people from being couch potatoes to physically active. I found this article interesting and very intriguing to get you thinking more about how people use their surroundings to become more active instead of sitting around.

Annotated Bib #6

"- Office of Institutional Effectiveness." Home - Office of Institutional Effectiveness. N.p., n.d. Web. 19 Feb. 2016.

“- Office of Institutional Effectiveness.” Home – Office of Institutional Effectiveness. N.p., n.d. Web. 19 Feb. 2016.

Scholl, Kathleen, & Gowri Betrabet Gulwadi. “Recognizing Campus Landscapes as Learning Spaces.” Journal of Learning Spaces [Online], 4.1 (2015): n. pag. Web. 24 Feb. 2016


In the article “Recognizing Campus Landscapes as Learning Spaces”, authors Kathleen G. Scholl and Gowri Betrabet Gulwadi explain how the modern college has moved away isolation feel that had dominated for many generations, to one that is now inclusive and open to more people such as the public. In this article, both authors discuss how the growing demographic changes are going to have a major impact on many colleges as more students of different cultural, ethic, and ideological views are now going to be attending at the same place. Throughout the rest of the article, the authors continue addressing their point by using various quotations from other writers who explain the importance of college inclusiveness and how it benefits the average student in their career later in life, and explaining the history of college and how it has affected the academia and intellect of society. The authors conclude this article by continuing to discuss the importance of creating environments that are going to be socially accepted by many new students.

I found this article very intriguing and insightful by I learned and gained knowledge

Annotated Bibs #5

"Chinese Authorities Employing 'Two Fly' Rule for Public Bathrooms." Prod. Jeanette Torres. ABC. Beijing, China. 25 May 2012.

“Chinese Authorities Employing ‘Two Fly’ Rule for Public Bathrooms.” Prod. Jeanette Torres. ABC. Beijing, China. 25 May 2012.

Bazelon, Emily. “Making Bathrooms More ‘Accommodating.’” The New York Times. The New York Times, 21 Nov. 2015. Web. 24 Feb. 2016.


In the article Making Bathrooms More ‘Accommodating,’ the author Emily Bazelon discussed the social restraints that derive from the evolving society in America – subject of gender. The author addresses the most obvious form of gender segregation in the interior design of everyday facilities: public bathrooms. The separation of sexes whether it’s through bathrooms or locker rooms have been accepted as a social norm since women entered the workforce, but with the increasing awareness and rise in the population of transgender citizens, and major issue if revealed: individuals find it difficult to enter a bathroom comfortably. In today’s society, the definition of male and female does not pertain to the physical appearances of the body of when a girl or boy is born, because social standards and science has progressed to a point where a person can choose what they prefer to be called. In this article, you see that gender no longer has two simple options and become a blurry subject. Furthermore, instead of maintaining gender-specific bathrooms, the author draws attention to the need for accommodation. The author states to inform the readers that accommodations have already been made to accept individuals with disabilities, regarding the practice religion, and racial diversity. Lastly, the author discusses how women also use public restrooms for sanity purposes while on their menstrual period, and how the only way women are accommodated in public bathroom settings is through adding trash cans in each stall, whereas men are given a completely separate invention apart from the toilet.

I choose this article due to the argument that Bazelon posed about bathrooms should be more accommodating for the LBGT community, which I believe should happen by most females including myself, in particular, would feel violated if a transgender male walks into the women’s bathroom.

Annotated Bib. # 4

Wheatley, Thomas. "Homeless Living Along Downtown Ledge Cleared out Early This Morning | Atlanta News & Opinion Blog | Fresh Loaf." Creative Loafing Atlanta. N.p., 11 Jan. 2012. Web. 24 Feb. 2016.

Wheatley, Thomas. “Homeless Living Along Downtown Ledge Cleared out Early This Morning | Atlanta News & Opinion Blog | Fresh Loaf.” Creative Loafing Atlanta. N.p., 11 Jan. 2012. Web. 24 Feb. 2016.

Reitzes, Donald C., Crimmins, Timothy J., Yarbrough, Johanna, Parker, Josie. “Social support and social network ties among the homeless in a downtown Atlanta park.” Journal of Community Psychology. 39.3(2011)274-291. Wiley. Web. 24 Feb, 2016.


This article discusses the problems the homeless face, how they find support and a sense of community, and how they find help. In this article the authors explain how the homeless come together from support and how homelessness effects other races and gender. They help each other with normal task, integrate them into their familiar, and hold casual conversations. This article focuses on the same topic of homelessness expressed in Tapestry of Space by Nersessova, except this article gives you a clearer insight of their realities and how they try to stick together to help one another. I choose this article because I liked how it gave me insight of a particular space and community and made me feel as if I was there to witness this research myself.

Bibliographic Annotations

“College Residence and Academic Performance: Who Benefits From Living on Campus?” College Residence and Academic Performance: Who Benefits From Living on Campus? Web. 05 Feb. 2016. >.

In this article Professors, Ruth N. López Turley and Geoffrey Wodtke discuss the effects of living on campus for college freshman and how it promotes a variety of desirable outcomes for the students’. The view that these two professors have on this particular research is unbiased and provides various details on how someone’s GPA and the change they experience living on campus versus those who live off campus with family. What’s intriguing about this article is that it explores the different factors you take into account when comparing the benefits of one over the other such as what type of college it is, the various types of students that attend the college, and the ethnic background of the larger population. This article ties into how the built environment impacts the lives of the people who inhabit within it. The source of this article does not take a good stand on the following subject but provides great information on the studies that were taken.


Watson, Jaye. “Metro Atlanta Mom Writes Why White Parents Won’t Choose Black Schools.”11Alive. N.p., 10 Oct. 2015. Web. 05 Feb. 2016.

In the story aired by 11Alive last year, this woman named Abby Norman who is the mother of two kids, and an English teacher who lives in an Atlanta area with white residents posted a blog about racism and education. Mrs. Norman, who sends her kindergartner to the neighborhood school, was told by many of her white neighbors not to send her children there. In the post she wrote on her blog, she says “This summer, when I told the other moms at the pool where my kids went to school. I was repeatedly told to move them. This from women who had never set foot in my school. They had not had contact with our deeply passionate, and very responsive principal, had not met the pre-k teachers who my daughter loves more than Santa.” Although Mrs. Norman would voice her opinion to these other moms, the criticism was still there. This article does an excellent job of showing how race means nothing, as long as your child is receiving a great education and meets friendly people that will show her the right direction, the color of your will never matter because we are all equal.


Oakley, Deirdre. Ruel, Erin. Reid, Lesley. “Atlanta’s Last Demolitions and Relocations: The Relationship Between Neighborhood Characteristics and Resident Satisfaction.” Housing Studies. 28.2(2013): 205. Advanced Placement Source. Web. 5 Feb, 2016.

In this article written by three Sociology professors, they discuss how moving lower income communities to better neighborhoods will increase their happiness, ability to make money and have a stable job, and their helpfulness to society. The people who were relocated were moved to safer areas, which allowed them to live happier and longer lives. This move caused a tremendous drop in the crime rate for that particular area and the whole city as well. The authors wrote this journal to inform people on how changes to an environment can change the person and their whole attitude and demeanor. This article gave me more insight on how I want to help stop crime in the low-income areas around and outside of Atlanta.