Ervin, Christopher. “Students sitting in circle listening to teacher outside on campus of New Trier High School.” Photograph. Teaching Portfolio. WordPress, June 1950. Web. 27 Apr. 2016.
Center For Teaching. “Ask Professor Pedagogy: Holding Class Outside | Center for Teaching | Vanderbilt University.” Center for Teaching | Vanderbilt University. N.p., 5 Apr. 2013. Web. 27 Apr. 2016. <Vanderbilt University>.
In this commentary that’s apart of the center for teaching department of Vanderbilt University, an anonymous professor with the name “Window-Gazer” askes Professor P is there a way to have class outside without wasting a whole class period due to his/her students routinely asking. In response to Window-Gazer’s question Professor P gives ‘Window-Gazer” some things to think about such as rethinking of new ways to incorporate introducing ideas in meaningful ways. Professor P then goes on to give Window-Gazer a few things to consider as to why hosting class outside can be beneficial. The following considerations are: being outdoors can put course concepts in a new context, use nature to discuss “big ideas” in your course, and use nature to emphasize course readings or concepts. However, the main key to having a successful outdoor classroom session is to not “the outdoors” be the distraction, but to redefine your notions of a classroom. I found this commentary interesting because it gives you reasons as to why having class outside can be effective as Scholl and Gowri discusses throughout “Recognizing Campus L:andscapes as Learning Spaces”.