Monthly Archives: February 2016

Annotation Bibliography #2 – Determinants of Childhood Obesity: What Can We Learn From Built Environment Studies?


Casey, Romain, et al. “Determinants Of Childhood Obesity: What Can We Learn From Built Environment Studies?.” Food Quality And Preference 31.(2014): 164-172. ScienceDirect. Web. 4 Feb. 2016.

As a general idea about this article, it compares the built environment with the weight of the youth population and it being a socioeconomic effect. The article showed how fast food restaurants nearby, easy transportation and leisure activity has increased obesity so they were trying to create more studies showing evidence with their methodology results, and statistics using young adolescents and children to test this out. The way the structure was laid out of the restaurants, physical activity facilities, stores, malls, sidewalks, parks, the accessibility, showed to have some strong impact on the weight of these youngsters. From the chart of this article, the “spatial accessibility, physical activity, and food behaviors” even our genes, culture, and other factors could play a role in the health of these young individuals in if they do or do not become obese, and if they are then they can have that probability of developing diseases due to obesity. This is can be studied in Atlanta. I chose this because there was not many things I found too interesting, but this one caught my eye. This article is strong in the sense in how the research methods and charts show how the built environment impacts the weight of a child, and weak in how general it was. This article is similar to the others in the way it impacts their lives.

Annotative Bibliography #1 – Community on Campus: The Role of Physical Space


College and its Students
College and its Students

Harrington, Kim D. Community On Campus: The Role Of Physical Space. n.p.: Atlanta, Ga. : Georgia State University, 2014., 2014.GEORGIA STATE UNIV’s Catalog. Web. 3 Feb. 2016.

In Community On Campus: The Role of Physical Space, Kim D. Harrington said “The purpose of this study was to understand the role space plays in student involvement and community on campus.” She used different research methods, and one of them being interviewing. Kim D. found the students showed that in the campus space, they make a lot of connections with other peers and like having their own time as well. All the students enjoy different spaces where they can be social, relaxed, eating, sleeping, playing an instrument, it just depends on the student.This long article that I found through the Georgia State library, was not meant for it to be about Atlanta, but it connects with Georgia State University, because this whole summary shows how in any campus, the different types of space specifically exterior affect the way a student lives in their social, academic, physical, spiritual, and mental ways or state of being. I chose this because I thought it was the only thing I could find. There was research methods but that was a lot, I feel like this whole article was a waste of time in all honesty. This article is completely different from all the other ones, but It connects in how it affects the way people live.