Initiative for Maximizing Student Development



For students, faculty, staff, and mentors.

Academics and Research:
PubMed – Biomedical literature database
webGURU – Guide for Undergraduate Research – Assistance, advice, and support for the undergraduate research experience
National Research Council’s Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals – Guidelines for institutions
Purdue Online Writing Lab – Writing resources/instructional material
Cell and Molecular Biology Online – Informational resource for cellular and molecular biologists
The Brain from Top to Bottom – All things neuroscience, categorized by level of understanding and level of organization
Reporting Guidelines for Life Sciences Resources – Scientific writing how-tos

Diversity, Inclusion, Resilience, and Success:
Resources on Developing Resilience, Grit, and Growth Mindset
5 Tips to Handle Microaggressions Effectively
6 Ways to Respond to Sexist Microaggressions in Everyday Conversations
7 Racial Microaggressions in Everyday Life
CUPA CIC Microaggressions Table
GSU Multicultural Center
GSU Honors College
GSU First-Gen – Guide for First-Generation College Students

Professional Development:
Mentor Memos – Writing, Editing, Presentation, and Professional Development Skills
Career and Professional Development – Networking, Elevator Pitch, and Your Personal Brand

Scholarships and Funding:
NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program
Funding Resources for Underrepresented Groups in STEM Fields
Faculty for Undergraduate Neuroscience – Travel Awards and Internship Opportunities


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