Jenny Sue Kasiah (2017)
Jenny Sue Kasiah, Biology
Mentor: Rita Aneja, Ph.D.
Jennysue Kasiah is originally from Truth Or Consequences New Mexico, where she graduated with honors from Hot Springs high school. She moved to Atlanta in 2015 to peruse an undergraduate degree at Georgia State University. She is majoring in Biology with a concentration in Molecular Genetics and, after graduation would like to go into a genetic/genomics Ph.D. program. Her research interests include genomics, stem cells, and cloning; she hopes to one day develop a technique for growing limbs and organs that genetically match the recipient. Currently, Jennysue is involved in a collaboration project between the Frantz and Chassaing labs; where they are studying gut brain axis interactions, and the affects that gut flora have on cocaine seeking behavior in rats. She was previously involved with the Aneja lab, which studies the role that centrosomal abnormalities play in the progression and lethality of various cancer types. Outside lab and class, Jennysue likes outdoor exploration and appreciates bad jokes and puns.