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Unconscious Racism Revisited: Reflections on the Impact and Origins of
“The Id, the Ego, and Equal Protection”

The Id, the Ego, and Equal Protection the author Charles Lawrence III seeks to understand and describe the injury racist white supremacy enforces bylaws and what these laws do to African Americans. Lawrence is a teacher, activist, and scholar. He is a traditional teacher with radical methods used to teach “The Word” (Lawrence, 1)

Lawrence argues, the depictions of African Americans in the 19th century exaggerated features of Africans to degrade, and humiliate them.  The noses broad, thick lips, unkept hair. Names like Mumbo, Jumbo were evidence of conscious racist effort that also exposes the supremacist ideology.

Lawrence goes on to explain how the foundation for racism was put in place these types of blatant racist behavior.  He goes on to say the racist behavior is learned and taught to the children.

Lawrence contends racial segregation through residential segregation agendas are upheld by the White supreme court.  Lawrence reflects on the interstate highway system finds it way through the hart of Black neighborhoods. The strangling effect has been consistent across the country.

Lawrence cited, Racial imagery and iconography
Janette Lake Dates and William Barlow,  African Americans in Mass Media 3 (1990). Lawrence cited iconography context of degrading published images of African Americans.

This journal was used to argue a critique about the color blind U.S. constitution. Whereas the color blind is not to the benefit of the subjugated but interpreted as “we do not have to consider your color for any benefits or gains”.  We recognize you as African Americans, but we do not have to recognize an American’s color.  From this position, there is no responsibility to shoulder the White racist discrimination against people of color.

This journal is prepared for lawmakers to study, digest and take action.  Law students and activist use the research as it contains photos and references to 19th-century iconography.