CSAL Item Number: 70
CSAL Question: These next questions ask about the most recent certification or license you earned for work-related reasons. First, who issued this certification or license?
CSAL Response Options: 1=Federal, state, or local government, 2=Professional or trade association (for example, Pediatric Nursing Certification Board, National Exercise and Sports Trainers Association, CompTIA), 3=Business or company (for example, Microsoft, 3M Company, Xerox), 4=Other group or organization, specify: ________, 777=Don’t Know, 888=No Response
Source: United States Department of Education, Institute of Education Sciences, National Center for Education Statistics, National Adult Training and Education Survey (NATES), 2013. Retrieved May 20, 2016 from https://nces.ed.gov/surveys/gemena/pdf/NATESInstrument.pdf.
Source ID: 7
CSAL question form: Modified from source
CSAL response options form: Modified from source
Source question: Who issued this certification or license?
Source response options: 1=Federal, state, or local government, 2=Professional or trade association (for example, Pediatric Nursing Certification Board, National Exercise and Sports Trainers Association, CompTIA), 3=Business or company (for example, Microsoft, 3M Company, Xerox), 4=Other group or organization, specify: ________