CSAL Item Number: 33
CSAL Question: How often do you use the Internet or Web for the following purposes? Shopping (including looking but not necessarily buying); Banking; Education; Videos; Music; News and current events; Search for job opportunities; search for health-related information; search for government information; search for other information (ask what type of information); Games; Social Networking such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn; Video Chatting/Skype-ing; Other purposes, specify:_______
CSAL Response Options: 4=Every day, 3=a few times a week, 2=a few times a month, 1=never, 777=Don’t know, 888= No Response
Source: Statistics Canada and Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), Adult Literacy and Lifeskills Survey (ALL), 2003. Retrieved May 20, 2016 from http://nces.ed.gov/surveys/all/pdf/ALL-Main_Survey_BQ.pdf
Source ID: H5
CSAL question form: Modified from source
CSAL response options form: Modified from source
Source question: In a typical month, how often did you use the Internet for the following purposes . . . Electronic mail (email); Participate in chat groups or other on-line discussions; Shopping(including browsing for products or services but not necessarily buying); Banking; Formal education or training (part of a formal learning activity such as a course of program of study); Obtain or save music; Read about news and current events; Search for employment opportunities; search for health-related information; search for weather-related information; search for government information; Playing games with others; General browsing; Other purposes, specify:_______
Source response options: Daily, A few times a week, A few times a month, Never, Refused