CSAL Item Number: 62
CSAL Question: In your day-to-day life, how often do you have to change or cancel an appointment because something unexpected comes up?
CSAL Response Options: 6=Every Day, 5=A few times a week, 4=Once a week, 3=Less than once a week, 2=Rarely, 1=Never, 777=Don’t Know, 888=No Response
Source: The Longitudinal Study of Adult Learning Wave 6 Questionnaire (2007). Developed under the National Center for the Study of Adult Learning and Literacy at Portland State University. Retrieved May 20, 2016 from http://www.lsal.pdx.edu/docs/pdf/wave6.pdf.
Source ID: CA6NCEL
CSAL question form: Verbatim to source
CSAL response options form: Modified from source
Source response options: 1=Every Day, 2=A few times a week, 3=Once a week, 4=Less than once a week, 5=Rarely, 6=Never