Black, Laurel. “Too Old to Be a Designer?” HOWdesign. N.p., 21 Apr. 2011. Web.
Author Laurel Black at HOWdesign , writes an article sharing her experience as an older aged graphic designer and how it has affected her plans for the future. Black states “the design profession seems to have a youth bias that is not working in my favor” (para. 1).
Throughout the article Black give personal accounts of ageism that she has faced within her field. For example Black shares this statement, ” I have been told that if you’re over 40, no agency will hire you” (para 4). She also says ” the design and marketing field seem to think that if you no longer fall into that coveted 18-34 demographic, you are too old to be relevant and useful” (para. 2).
Black then discusses how the ageism within her filed will affect her future. She states “I am not worried for the immediate future. My niche has turned out to be the community I’ve lived in and served for three decades” (para. 6). However she believes a young soul may come into town and knock her out of the game. “At some point some new person, undoubtedly younger than me, will decide that this would be the perfect place to establish a design practice, and will aggressively go after my market share (para. 7).
I article serves as a useful source for a person account of agism within the graphic design field, however I would say that one couldn’t base their entire study on one account. Therefore this is a great secondary source for some interested in agism and graphic design or the built environment of the graphic design profession.