Notes of Built Environment (Exterior) – Dupree Park

My observations, thoughts, feelings, and everything about Dupree Park’s Exterior Space

  • Disoccupied probable by cold weather
  • Black, white, and mix of ducks in small lake
  • Lake is a dark murky green
  • Park surrounded by lots of tall trees
  • Rippling lake
  • Green and tan funny looking playground with slides, monkey bars, more, and with a white fence surrounding it and woodchips inside the playground
  • Two pavilions
  • Two public restrooms
  • Barriers of wood-like fences with space in between
  • Neighborhood behind park
  • Pinecones on ground
  • Person or two walking their dog
  • Garbage can
  • Fitness trail, tennis courts, and mountain bike trail (a sign says)
  • Mini outdoor gym thing where there is a lot of open space and dead grass where anyone can roam free or run around or play whatever they want to play
  • Parking lot for both areas of the park
  • Lights
  • Street/road right in front of the park
  • Me freezing cold
  • Standing in my lazy pants
  • I cannot smell anything
  • Inhaling I can feel the cold breezy air going into my nostrils
  • My hands are numb because of how cold it is
  • I can hear the small population of ducks quacking
  • I can hear a few like 4 kids messing around
  • I can feel the stillness, and hear the general silence of the park
  • I even saw one police car
  • I cannot taste anything but my peppermint gum I am chewing
  • Dupree park in spring and summer people go to chill, eat, have birthday parties, gaze, reflect, run, maybe sleep, maybe even have a date, and more.

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