Ellis, Cliff. “Process And Principles In Urban Design.” Journal Of Urban Design 19.1 (2014): 47-48. Academic Search Complete. Web. 4 Feb. 2016.

This article is a response to the first article I used. Ellis portrays the article in a good way. He discusses his support but also his opinion. He says, “No doubt, process is critical. But I hope that urban designers will continue the quest for processes that will actually produce beautiful, functional and humane landscapes” (Ellis 47). The information in this article helps to explain some of the concepts brought about in Carmona’s article, and it discusses that planning should be done in order to find the one that works. This relates to the built environment in Atlanta because everything has to be planned carefully. I chose this source because it was a follow up to an article I had already read. I think that the only flaw of this article is the bias Ellis has. He states his opinions rather than just concrete facts. This article offers an alternative viewpoint to Carmona’s article but also provides more in depth explanation of a few concepts.