Interview 5

Questions for Interviewee #5:

  1. What is the hardest part in your weight loss/gain journey?
  2. What would you like to see that’s new tips and tricks to losing/gaining weight?
  3. How does technology help you more towards your goal? Is it easier?
  4. What would you like to see that you would consider fun and willing to try that has exercising and dieting combined?

Interviewee #5 Response Summary

Date: Friday, March 5th, 5:00pm

Place: Zoom/Video Call meeting


  • He feels nonchalant and unbothered of his weight problem. However, he is very imvested and hard working towards his goal, mental wise.
  • He is confident in his journey but has always been insecure of how his body appears especially to others in his community.


  • He values his idols and inspiration and his own alone time.
  • He values a clear space to think and perform all of his desires and ideas.
  • He also values relaxation, prosperity, and meditation. He values hard work in the simplest things.

What the user is trying to do:

  • This interviewee is trying to gain weight.

Current solutions:

  • This interviewee’s current solution is to go to gym on the weekends.

Deficiencies of current solutions:

  • The things that are lacking for his cureent solution is that exciting exhillaration experience.
  • He grows tired of the same consistent rountines and keeping track of numbers and sets of workouts such as the amount of calories and slow pacing of the process which to then he sees no results or feels as if it is that way. 

Typical source of advice/knowledge:

  • He gets his advice and knowledge of gaining weight and muscle from his fitness coach.

Other info:

  • His coach is a guitarist and singer in a rcok band that he favors.
  • His target areas are his arms and chest area. He wants that bigger, wider, and toned.
  • Exercising feels like mediatation to him.
  • He believes that working out is a space of clarity to get focused and be happy.