Interview 3

Questions for Interviewee #3:

  1. What is the hardest part in your weight loss/gain journey?
  2. Does exercising and dieting feel like a chore or a chance to have a break?
  3. How does technology help you more towards your goal? Is it easier?
  4. What are the things you don’t like that are required for you to do for weight loss/gain?

Interviewee #3 Response Summary

Date: Wednesday, March 3rd, 12:00pm

Place: Facetime/Online virtual meeting


  • This interviewee has a positive perspective on her current problem and how she will acheive it.
  • She is very optimistic and always wanting to research and discover a lot of information about weigh loss. 


  • She values the flexibility, freedom, and multiple actions and techniques that can be done when losing weight.
  • She cares greatly about having an open mind to things because the least expected things have a high chance of being the solution.
  • She values the consistency of a routine and process; organization really matters to her.

What the user is trying to do:

  • This interviewee is trying to lose weigh.

Current solutions:

  • Her current solution is decreasing the portions of meals she consumes and avoiding fatty foods.

Deficiencies of current solutions:

  • The things that are lacking in her current solution is the progress being edvident and pain it deals on her body and health.

Typical source of advice/knowledge:

  • She has gained knowledge and advice from internet surfing as well as family and friends.

Other info:

  • She wants to lose 100 pounds, be consistent, and feel attractive/comfortable in her body. 
  • She wants an easier and less restricted diet.
  • She loves to participate around loving and caring people.
  • She encourages open ideas around exercising and weigh loss being transformed into hobbies and activties that will no longer feel like just a simple workout and more so an escape/fun adventure.