Compiled by Dr. Beth Burmester
MLA—Modern Language Association
New Voices International Graduate Student Conference (sponsored by GSU’s Graduate English Association)
SWCA—Southeastern Writing Center Association Annual Conference
CCCC—Convention of the Conference on College Composition and Communication
IWCA Collaborative @ CCCCs—All-day Wednesday, first day of 4Cs
ATTW—Association of Teachers of Technical Writing—All-day Wednesday, first day of 4Cs
IWCA—International Writing Centers Association—Every 18 months, falls either in April or October/November; every other conference is co-sponsored with NCPTW
ASHR—American Society for the History of Rhetoric (the day before RSA conference)
RSA—Rhetoric Society of America—Biennial in May, even years (around Memorial Day)
C&W—Computers and Writing Conference
TechComm Summit—Technical Communication Summit of the Society for Technical Communication
ISHA—International Society for the History of Rhetoric—Biennially, odd years
CWPA—Conference of the Council of Writing Program Administrators
Feminisms and Rhetorics (Coalition of Women Scholars in the History of Rhetoric and Composition)—Biennial in odd years
Thomas R. Watson Conference on Rhetoric, Louisville KY—Biennial in October, even years
NCPTW—National Conference of Peer Tutors of Writing—Annually in late October/early November
IWCA-NCPTW Joint Conference (every other year)
SAMLA—South Atlantic Modern Language Association (every other year it’s in Atlanta)
NCA—National Communication Association
NCTE—Convention of the National Conference of Teachers in English (usually near Thanksgiving)
INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCES (in alpha order; conferences that occur outside US)
British Society for Eighteenth Century Studies (BSECS)
The European Association for the Teaching of Academic Writing (annually during Summer)
EWCA—The European Writing Centers Association (annually in June)
International Conference on New Directions on the Humanities (during Summer)
International Conference on Arts and Humanities
International Society for the History of Rhetoric (alternates with US, North America, and Europe)
ISSOTL—International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (annually in October)
Middle East/North Africa Writing Centers Alliance
Rhetoric in Europe
Sixteenth Century Society Conference (alternates location, 2014 in New Orleans, 2015 in Canada, 2016 in Belgium)
(in alpha order; conferences Georgia State graduate students have previously presented at)
American Society for Eighteenth Century Studies (ASECS)
Association for Business Communication (ABC) (annually, October or November)
Association for the Study of Law, Culture, and the Humanities
AWP—Association of Writers and Writing Programs Annual Conference, Annually in February (Creative Writing)
College English Association (CEA)
College Reading and Learning Association (CRLA)
ESC— Engagement Scholarship Consortium Conference
Federation Rhetoric Symposium (Writing Democracy Project)
GATA—Georgia Tutoring Association
Georgia Council of Teachers of English
Hawaii International Conference on Arts and Humanities (Annually, January)
International Congress on Medieval Studies
IWCA Regional Organizations (most have annual conferences or symposiums):
East Central, Mid-Atlantic, Midwest, Northeast, Pacific Northwest, Rocky Mountain, South Central, Northern California, Southern Californian
Midwest Popular Culture/American Culture Association (MPCA)
NWSA—National Women’s Studies Association
National Writing Project Annual Meeting (NWP)—(held during same week as NCTE, usually at a different conference hotel; High School and College Partnerships that focus on teacher education in teaching writing by having teachers write and see themselves as writers, academic and creative; some Universities are designated as NWP Sites—see University of Georgia and Kennesaw for more info; many writing center professionals are involved in NWP)
PCA/ACA—Popular Culture/American Culture Association (Annually, April)
Renaissance Society of America
The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (Georgia Southern University)
Sigma Tau Delta (International English Honor Society) Annual Conference
South Central Society for Eighteenth Century Studies
South Central Modern Language Association (SCMLA)
South East Coastal Conference on Languages and Literatures (Georgia Southern University)
Southeastern Women Studies Association (SEWSA)
Southern Culture Association
Southern States Communication Association (annually in April)
Student Success in Writing (Georgia Southern University)
Two-Year College Association of Georgia
Western States Rhetoric and Literacy Conference
Western States Communication Association