About Us

  • rhetoric and composition faculty

Faculty: Baotong Gu, Michael Harker, George Pullman, Elizabeth Sanders Lopez, Mary Hocks, Lynée Lewis Gaillet, Ashley J. Holmes (click to enlarge in new window)

Composition and Rhetoric at Georgia State University is an area of concentration for earning a B. A., M. A., or Ph. D. in English, although anyone can take the courses offered. No other university in Georgia offers this opportunity.

As a student in Composition and Rhetoric, you will study rhetorical history and theory as well as contemporary approaches to the theory and practice of writing in both academic and non-academic settings. You will also learn how to use new digital publication platforms that will make you more attractive to prospective employers.

Whatever your academic and career goals, taking courses in Composition and Rhetoric will help you become a better writer and improve your ability to communicate effectively.

Meet the Faculty

Lynée Gaillet
25 Park Place 2423
History of Rhetoric, Archival Research
Baotong Gu
25 Park Place 2433
Director, Rhetoric and Composition
Technical & Professional Writing
harker_headshot Michael Harker
25 Park Place 2428
Director, Lower Division Studies
Literacy Studies,
Rhetoric and Composition
hocks_headshot Mary Hocks
Digital Rhetoric, Composition Studies
holmes-headshot Ashley J. Holmes
Former Professor & Director, Writing Across the Curriculum, 2010 – 2024
Public Pedagogy, Composition Studies
lopez_headshot Elizabeth Lopez
25 Park Place 2433
Associate Chair, Department of English 
Technical & Professional Writing
pullman-headshot George Pullman
25 Park Place 2424
Digital Rhetoric, History of Rhetoric
snow-headshot Malinda Snow (Emeritus)
Rhetoric, Eighteenth-Century British Literature

2024 legacy faculty group photo with 8 people standing along tall kitchen cabinets: A.Holmes, L.Gaillet, D.Holmes, M.Hocks, G.Pullman, E.Lopez, M.Harker, B.Gu (click to enlarge in new window).