WPA-Graduate Committee Seeking Members

See below for information about a great professional development opportunity to serve on a graduate committee for the national CWPA organization. If you have any interest–now or in your future–in administration, this would be a great opportunity. Plus, our own Kristen Ruccio (kruccio1@student.gsu.edu) has been serving on this committee and has offered to answer questions you may have! If you’re not already a CWPA member, you can easily become one in order to apply for this position (or to just become a member).


WPA-GO Graduate Committee (GC) will invite applications for three new Graduate Committee member positions. New GC members will begin their terms at the July 2017 CWPA Conference and serve for up to two years or until the CWPA Conference of the year the member graduates from their program.

Responsibilities: GC members do the following:

  • Chair or co-chair at least one subcommittee, soliciting members and setting/executing the annual agenda;

  • Attend biannual GC meetings during CCCC and CWPA. At least one meeting must be attended in person. The other can be attended by video / audio conference;

  • Work with local Writing Program Administrators, Writing Center directors, graduate students, and Writing Studies faculty to promote WPA-GO to a wider group of graduate students

  • Work with Digital Presence committee to assist in advertising WPA-GO events, nominations, calls, and news items. This may include rotation(s) posting through social media accounts such as Facebook and Twitter.

Qualifications: Nominees must be:

  • Current PhD students with a demonstrated interest in Writing Studies. Master’s students are invited to apply for the Master’s Degree Representative position.

  • Current members of the CWPA and WPA-GO. For membership or other information, go to http://wpacouncil.org/wpa-go.

Application Process: Submit a WPA-GO Graduate Committee Application by Monday, February 27th.

Selection Process: Nominations are reviewed by the WPA-GO Elections Committee. Complete applications received by the deadline will be posted directly to the WPA-GO website for members to review. Voting will close on Wednesday, March 8th, and results will be announced by March 10th.    

Contact: If you have questions, contact WPA-GO Elections Co-Chairs, Matthew Tougas (mtouga1@lsu.edu), Lindsey Albracht (lindsey.albracht@gmail.com) or Diversity and Outreach Committee Chair, Sherri Craig (craig36@purdue.edu).

We look forward to receiving your applications!

-The WPA-GO Elections Committee

KSU conference for part time, adjunct, and contingent instructors

Please consider submitting or share with folks who may be interested in the Symposium for Part-time, Adjunct, and Contingent Educators (SPACE) conference, hosted by KSU’s Center for Teaching and Learning. SPACE is an opportunity for PT, adjunct, and contingent educators from the region and beyond to present their original scholarship. It is also an opportunity to connect with and share innovative teaching practices with colleagues.

This year, SPACE is scheduled for June 10, 2017, at the Crowne Plaza Ravinia in the Perimeter area. Proposals are due February 7th online.


Call for MA & PhD Applicants

Please share with folks who may be interested! Submit an application by Feb. 15th to be considered for Fall 2017 admission.

The Georgia State University Department of English’s Rhetoric & Composition faculty invite applicants for our M.A. and Ph.D. programs for Fall 2017 admittance. You can learn more about our curriculum that encourages study in history and theory, as well as contemporary approaches to writing in both academic and non-academic settings, at our website: http://sites.gsu.edu/rhetcomp/.

We’ve graduated hundreds of M.A. and Ph.D. students over the past 20 years who consistently find work in academia, professional/technical writing, and academic administration; all of our recent graduates have found full-time employment. Some students in our M.A. program apply to continue their Ph.D. studies in our program.

Our faculty includes Beth Burmester, Lynée Lewis Gaillet, Baotong Gu, Michael Harker, Mary Hocks, Ashley Holmes, Elizabeth Lopez, Ben Miller, George Pullman, Malinda Snow, and Robin Wharton. Our eleven faculty members with broad research and teaching specializations make our program one of the largest Rhetoric & Composition programs in the Southeast. Every member of our faculty is recognized for scholarship, teaching excellence, and national service.

To apply, visit the Graduate Admissions page of the College of Arts & Sciences. Applications are due February 15, 2017 for Fall 2017 admission.

Congratulations to Helen Cauley

Congratulations to current GSU Rhetoric and Composition PhD student Helen Cauley who has been named the 2016 recipient of the Beacon Society Award, an annual prize that goes to “an individual, society or organization that has made a significant contribution to exposing young people to the study of Sherlock Holmes stories.” The award is presented by the Beacon Society, an international organization and subset of the Baker Street Irregulars, the “enthusiasts” group founded in 1934 with chapters around the world. Its mission is to “serve as a link to other scion societies, providing teachers with local resources to bring the magic of Sherlock Holmes to life in the classroom.” Helen will be traveling to New York in January to accept the award during the Society’s meeting.

Helen is currently working on her dissertation research related to the study of Sherlock Holmes and his works. Congrats, Helen!

SP 17 COMM Grad Course on Chinese Media, Politics, and Society

R/C Grad Students: Please Take Survey

If you are a graduate student (MA or PhD) in the Rhetoric and Composition program at GSU, please take a few minutes to take the survey at the link below. The faculty are hoping to use your responses to track student progress in the program, to gauge interest in courses and additional programming, and to gather your feedback on your experiences. We appreciate your time and participation, and welcome your honest feedback. Thank you in advance!


If you have any questions about the survey, please send them to Ashley Holmes at (aholmes@gsu.edu).

Summer 2017 Dow Jones Internships for Grads and Undergrads: App. Due Nov. 1

College juniors, seniors and graduate students are invited to apply to the Dow Jones News Fund for paid summer 2017 internships in data journalism, digital media, business reporting and interactive news editing. The application deadline is Nov. 1.

Visit the Dow Jones News Fund Internship Hub

The Dow Jones News Fund trains journalists in the newest newsgathering, editing and storytelling technologies.  All our programs emphasize emerging media trends and train interns to write for the web, adopt a data state of mind and use social media metrics.

In 2016, we placed 96 interns in 64 media organizations. In 2017, we are doubling our data and digital media programs and bolstering our interactive news editing program with a design hub.

Investigative Reporters and Editors (IRE) will train data journalists at the University of Missouri to work with spreadsheets, databases, software, FOIA requests and apps to unlock stories.

Digital media interns will brush up on podcasting, video production plus content management, responsive web design, social media best practices and audience development at Arizona State University in Phoenix.

The News Fund renamed its copy editing program interactive news editing with emphasis on Search Engine Optimization, page design and responsive web design. Interactive news editing interns will be trained at Temple University, Pennsylvania State University and the University of Missouri. Business reporting interns will train in New York City.

The University of Texas, Austin, will serve as the Fund’s interactive news editing design hub, with special emphasis placed on page design, headline writing, and data visualization.

The Fund and sponsoring media cover travel costs to and from training and to newsrooms. Interns are responsible for their housing and commuting costs during the internship. Students who return to school after successful internships will receive $1,000 college scholarships. Applicants must take a one-hour business reporting, editing or data/digital test(s) in addition to completing the online applications for the programs to which they are applying.

Visit our internship website  for more information about the residencies and internship programs and to find a test monitor on campus.

The program is open to U.S. students studying abroad. Students with questions can email djnf@dowjones.com.

Dow Jones News Fund

4300 Route 1 North

Monmouth Junction NJ 08852

A nonprofit foundation promoting media careers in the digital age.

TT Director of Composition @ Kennesaw State University (Associate or Full Prof)

Kennesaw State University seeks a full-time Associate or Full Professor to serve as the Director of Composition for the university’s required, two-semester first-year composition course sequence. Supported by two assistant directors, the Director oversees training, mentoring, and professional development for faculty teaching in face-to face, hybrid, and online-only environments. Responsibilities also include program assessment and teaching undergraduate or graduate writing courses (with teaching load adjusted to reflect administrative duties). Applicants should have experience in administering a writing program along with research and teaching interests in writing program administration and pedagogy, rhetorical and/or composition theory, and/or literacy studies. Experience with technology and the teaching of writing, program assessment, and fostering coordination among other university writing initiatives is ideal. Rank and tenure status negotiable and based upon credentials.

Complete position and application details available here: https://facultyjobs.kennesaw.edu/postings/3393