Kairos Journal Hiring Assistant Editors: Applications Due July 21st

I hope many of our graduate students will consider applying for an Assistant Editor position with the journal Kairos. I started as an AE 5 years ago and have moved up to an Associate Editor and now Section Editor with the journal. It provides you with excellent professional experiences in digital publishing and editing for the Web, and you get to work with an awesome staff and make professional connections in the field. If you have questions about the demands of the work or your qualifications, please feel free to send me an email (aholmes@gsu.edu). ~Ashley Holmes


Link to call: http://kairos.technorhetoric.net/jobads.html

Call for Applications: Assistant Editors

Kairos is hiring several Assistant Editors to help produce the bi-annual journal.


Assistant editors are responsible for collaboratively copy- and design-editing accepted webtexts, wiki entries, and, on occasion, video/podcasts for publication, with attention to style, accessibility, readability, and usability. Kairos uses a modified APA style and a specific technical style sheet that is provided to AEs during on-the-job training. The average expectation of time required is 2-3 hours per week, on average, with up to 10 hours per week during twice-a-year heavy production cycles. AEs are required to communicate via a variety of online media (email, wikis, video conferencing), depending on the task, and must meet strict deadlines that the Editor outlines at the beginning of each production cycle.


  • experience with HTML and CSS, plus wiki mark-up and some javascript is helpful
  • experience editing audio and video a plus
  • initiative to learn new technologies and programs, as needed for editorial purposes
  • knowledge of scholarly, pedagogical fields related to digital writing studies, particularly multimodal rhetorics & practice
  • prior editorial experience with a (digital or analog) scholarly journal or peer-review systems preferred, or a willingness to learn quickly
  • proven track record of quick, efficient, and professional online communication practices
  • ability to collaborate with others in online environments
  • ability to work flexibly and quickly within overlapping publication timelines

Candidates who have a research and/or pedagogical agenda related to this position’s responsibilities would be a big bonus, but that qualification in not required. Research and teaching based on your Kairos work is encouraged.


These positions are volunteer/unpaid. However, the benefits of working for Kairos are numerous and include scholarly/professional editing experience in a digital environment, working closely with scholars in the field (through contact with editors and authors), creating a network of friends and colleagues who meet at conferences, being the first to see the most up-to-date scholarship, and gratitude/recognition by your peers. In addition, Kairos staff members enjoy a vita line, recommendation letter for their portfolios, and beverages at major conferences.

How To Apply

Applications are due July 21, 2017. Applicants who meet the minimum qualifications will be invited to take a copy-editing test. The position starts September 1(ish). To be considered, please send the following materials to Kairos Editors Douglas Eyman and Cheryl Ball at kairosrtp@gmail.com [Subject line: Assistant Editor application: Full Name]:

  • An in-email letter of application that describes your qualifications for the position (2-3 paragraphs, more or less). Please include links to relevant examples of your qualifications, if not on your CV already.
  • An abbreviated C.V. that includes relevant qualifications (as an attached document or embedded link).
  • The name, email address, and title/affiliation-to-you of a person willing to recommend you for the position.

PCA/ACA National Conference CFP – Due October 1st, 2017

Posted on behalf of Dr. Gaillet:

Graduate students are encouraged to apply to the Rhetoric, Composition, and Popular Culture Area of the PCA/ACA (Popular Culture Association/American Culture Association) 2018 National Conference to be held March 28 – March 31, 2018, in Indianapolis, IN. The deadline for submissions is October 1st, 2017.

Details are available at  http://pcaaca.org/national-conference, and a CFP is available below.


University Writing Program Conference, UNC-Charlotte, October 20, 2017

Posted on behalf of Dr. Gaillet:
Fourth Annual University Writing Program Conference
University of North Carolina-Charlotte
Center City Campus
October 20, 2017
Keynote Speaker:  Ellen C. Carillo
Call for Proposals
In calling for a reinvigorated discussion of reading in composition, Ellen Carillo asserts:
Reading is a deliberate intellectual practice that helps us make sense of—interpret—that which surrounds us. And, that which surrounds us includes so much more than published texts. We also read our own writing, our own and others’ belief systems, as well as everything from ideological and social structures to political and advertising campaigns to each other’s expressions and our personal interactions. The range of activities that falls under what might be called “reading” demands a more complex practice than a one-size-fits-all mechanical process of decoding.
Given how closely these ideas echo the assertions we make about writing as a situated and rhetorically contextualized practice, why doesn’t critical reading figure more prominently in writing pedagogy? Can one be an effective writer without being a critical reader? How do critical reading practices inform writing practices and vice versa? And how do these practices, in tandem, prepare students for broader social engagement beyond the classroom?
The 4th Annual UWP Conference at UNCC invites proposals for individual presentations, panels, workshops, roundtable discussions, and posters that address these questions, or various others such as:
·       How do colleges, universities, and schools prepare students for their roles as critical readers, writers, and thinkers? How do we teach students to read into writing?
·       How do we get students to understand connections between reading and writing?
·       How do we adjust critical reading strategies to account for digital texts? And how do we leverage technology and/or digital texts to bolster reading and writing pedagogies?
·       How does a critical reading focus help us teach genre?
·       How do we harness the reading and writing students do in their own lives with what we teach?
·       What are we preparing students for in reading and writing? Our class? Or beyond?
·       How do school practices of reading writing and thinking transfer to roles in a democratic society? Is there a difference between teaching critical, rhetorical practices and promoting a political agenda?
·       How can instructors at the secondary and postsecondary levels teach critical reading to help prepare students not only to recognize post-truth rhetoric but to resist it?
Please submit a 250-500 word abstract via the UWP Conference Proposal Submission Site by August 1, 2017. Successful abstracts will indicate how the presentation will address issues of critical reading in the writing classroom at the secondary and post-secondary level.
Computers, laptop connections, and projectors will be available in presentation classrooms. Please specify any additional support needed.
For more information and conference updates, please visit the UWP Conference website. If you have any questions, please contact Jon Pope at uwpconference@uncc.edu.
Keynote Speaker: Ellen C. Carillo

CCCC Proposal Workshop: Wed., Apr. 26th 12-1

We had a number of GSU students and faculty presenting at or attending the Conference on College Composition and Communication this past year, and we had a great time celebrating in Portland at our second-annual GSU social. We hope many folks will be able to join us next year in Kansas City! You can read more about the conference theme in the CFP for 2018, and you’ll see proposals are due May 9th.

In advance of the proposal due date, we’re holding a CCCC Proposal Workshop on Wednesday, April 26th from 12:00 – 1:00 in the Troy Moore Library (23rd floor of 25 Park Place). Plan to bring your ideas for a proposal and/or a draft of your proposal, and use this time to exchange ideas, form panels, and receive feedback. This event will be held immediately after “The Job Market and Your Dissertation” panel at 11 in TML and is open to any student interested in submitting a CCCC proposal. You’re welcome to bring draft proposals for other conferences. See and share the flyer below:

Georgia State at 4C’s 2017, Portland

Workshops, Wed. 9-9:50

W.02 Cultivating Research Capacity through International Exchanges about Higher Education Writing Research

Xiaobo Wang, Georgia State University, Atlanta

W.11 Cultivating Vernacular Eloquence: A Workshop on Speech and Writing Honoring Peter Elbow

Mary Hocks

Thurs 10:30-11:45

A.44 Improving the Experience and Efficacy of Testing for Placement While taking critical stances toward testing, these speakers present research-based advice about how to improve writing assessment practices. C125

Meng Yu, Georgia State University, Atlanta, “Building Boundary of Writing Assessment through Validation”

Thurs 1:45-3:00

C.41 Rhetorics of Disability: Cultivating Change across Discourse Communities and Developing Connections for Receptivity This panel explores disability rhetorics in popular and academic cultural arenas to bring awareness of representation and inclusivity. Portland Ballroom 254

Kristeen Cherney, Georgia State University, “Cultivating Digital Inclusion: Assessing the Challenges of Digital Classroom Texts and Inclusivity on the Web”

Thurs 4:45-6:00

E.16 Building a Mentor Program: Shadow Clusters, Immersion, and Integration Panel discusses the shift in the mentoring program for GTAs. Changes include shadowing, immersion, and program and course integration. B115

Speakers: Daniel Abitz, Georgia State University

Angela Marie Christie, Georgia State University

Charles Grimm, Georgia State University

Yunye Yu, Georgia State University

E.39 Cultivating Community Action and Response The panelists provide theoretical and practical resources for social engagement. C121

Chair: Barbara Hall, Perimeter College/Georgia State University

Friday 9:30-10:45

Cultivating Leadership G.01 Cultivating Leadership on and off Campus: A Roundtable with Senior Administrators

In this Cultivate roundtable, senior faculty who have served in multiple leadership roles will discuss how leadership skills and strategies cross over into areas both expected and unexpected, on and off campus, and how we might communicate these to junior faculty in order to cultivate future leaders. After each facilitator briefly shares his or her unique experiences and insights, attendees will have the opportunity to engage in Q & A and discussion about effective and proactive leadership strategies.

Portland Ballroom 253

Lynee Gaillet

G.13 Posthuman Subjectivity and Nonhuman Rhetoric Speakers discuss issues of posthuman subjectivity, nonhuman rhetoric, and vitalism. D134

Baotong Gu, Georgia State University, “Face, Precious Memories, and Poetic Rhetoric

  1. Dis/appearance of Reality”

Xiaobo Wang, Georgia State University, “Face, Precious Memories, and Poetic Rhetoric

  1. Dis/appearance of Reality”

G.45 Religion Matters: Cultivating Public Voices in Composition Panelists discuss the affordances of engagement at the intersection of religious studies and secular matters in the composition classroom. A109

Nathan Wagner, Georgia State University, “Keeping the Faith: Student Belief as Academic Discourse”

Friday 12:30-1:45

I.25 Changing Perspectives on Multimodal Composition Pedagogies: Utilizing (Inter)Modalities, Art, and Technology to Teach Transferable Rhetorical and Technical Competence This panel presents different digital composition pedagogies with an eye toward teaching students transferable rhetorical/technical skills. B115

Speakers: Matthew Sansbury, Georgia State University, “Cultivating Change by Listening to Our Past: Transferring Interdependent Modalities of Composition and Rhetoric from the Enlightenment for 21st-Century Pedagogies”

Lelania Watkins, Georgia State University, “Composing Forward and Backward: Utilizing Multimodality and Art to Reshape Composition Pedagogy”

Friday 2:00-3:15

J.42 Harvey J. Graff, Literacy Studies, and Composition This roundtable will reflect on literacy studies and composition through the work of Harvey J. Graff. Portland Ballroom 253

Michael Harker, Georgia State University, “See Harvey J. Graff, or, A Necessary Beginning for the ‘New’ Humanities”

Friday 3:30-4:45

K.27 Inhabiting and Subverting Online Spaces Blogs, games, and discussion forums are sites that invite styles of participation that can generate social change. Panelists will critique and explore the possibilities. B111

Chair: Roger Austin, Georgia State University, Atlanta

K.29 Go Your Own Way: Gateways and Barriers to Student Writer Agencies This session explores the limits and possibilities of source use and misuse and threshold concepts. D132

Chair: Douglas Hall, Georgia State University

K.49 Multimodal Moves in the Writing Classroom This panel explores the integration of multimodal design into writing classrooms and the relationship between hybrid and f2f learning. C126

Speakers: Paige Arrington, Georgia State University, “Bridging Hybrid and F2F Composition Classrooms via Digital Pedagogy”

Friday 6:30-7:30

FSIG.16 Joining the Conversation: A Discussion about Graduate Student Publishing An open roundtable discussion between experienced faculty and graduate students regarding best practices for publishing in graduate school.


Speakers: Matthew Sansbury, Georgia State University

Saturday 12:15-1:30

M.25 Cultivating Success: Rethinking Retention Programs and Pedagogies A disruption of retention discourse can be enacted by cultivating different ways of understanding student success and persistence.


Cristine Busser, Georgia State University, “Retention and ‘Student Success’: Disrupting Institutional Notions of Success in FirstYear Composition”

Ashley Holmes, Georgia State University, “Locating Retention: Data, Surveillance, and Swipe Technologies”

Studies in Writing and Rhetoric Events at C’s

If you’re attending C’s in Portland, please consider adding one or more of the events below, which are sponsored by the CCCC Studies in Writing and Rhetoric book series:


On Wednesday at C’s, SWR will sponsor an all day workshop entitled, “Rhetorics and Realities: Exploring New Potentials for Scholarly Production to Transform the Meaning of Scholarship.” Among the participants are Jackie Rhodes and Jody Shipka. There will also be a presentation by Tamera Marko, Ryan Catalini, and Mario Ernesto Osorio from MobilityMovilidad.org on their use of video documentation to support their work for immigrant rights. (See http://swreditors.org/rhetoric-and-reality-workshop/ for full, and almost, final details.) Session Number, I think, B113.

On Thursday at C’s, SWR will sponsor “Cultivating Capacity for Authors, Creating Change in the Field,”  at4:45pm, which will feature Rhea Lathan (SWR Author) and Jay Jordan (SWR Author/Board Member), who will speak about working with the series. Then, Jaquetta Shade (Native American Caucus Member, MSU Graduate Student), who will speak about the “Book That Needs Published.” SWR Board members and authors will be there to talk about possible book projects with those in attendance at the end of the session. I think this Session Number is E145..

Finally, if you are interested in listening to SWR authors speak about their work, you can find out who will be at C’s by going to http://swreditors.org/swr-authors-at-cs-2017/

Posted on behalf of Steve Parks, Editor of Studies in Writing and Rhetoric

GSU CCCC Social: Please RSVP

If you plan to be at the Conference on College Composition & Communication in Portland this March, we hope you will join us for a social hosted by the Rhetoric & Composition Program at Georgia State University. Please click the invitation above for more details and to RSVP. We need to give our venue a head count, so please RSVP as soon as possible. We hope to see you at Punchbowl Social in Portland!

And, yes, there will be bowling.

Punchbowl Social, Portland, OR