Upcoming Deadlines for Conference Proposals & Publication

If you’re interested in the following events or publication opportunities, mark your calendars for the upcoming deadlines.

Upcoming Conference CFP Deadlines:

  • Computers & Writing: Proposals Due Oct. 31, 2014, Conference May 28-31, 2015 (U of Wisconsin-Stout)
  • Conference on Community Writing: Proposals Due Dec. 5, 2014, Conference Oct. 16-17, 2015 (Boulder, CO) This conference will also provide a publication opportunity; articles will be invited from conference presenters for two journal special issues, both intended for publication in fall 2016.
  • Feminisms & Rhetorics: Proposals Due Feb. 1, 2015, Conference Oct. 28-31, 2015 (Phoenix, AZ)

Upcoming Publication CFP Deadline:

There are lots of publication opportunities out there, but I wanted to direct your attention to a new online, peer-reviewed journal, Ubiquity, housed at GSU that has upcoming submission deadlines. In particular, you might check out the range of formats/genres in which you can publish for this journal (e.g., reflexive journals/letters about your teaching, innovative lesson plans, opinion pieces, personal essays, community-based fact sheets, and many more). Given many students’ interests around multimedia writing, I’m hoping some of you will consider submitting for the upcoming special issue (deadline Dec. 1st for Spring 2015 publication); see CFP below.

Spring 2015 Issue Theme: Multimedia Writing in the Classroom and Beyond 

  • Submission Deadline: December 1, 2014.

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Job Ad: Asst. Prof. in R/C at Auburn U

Posted on behalf of Diana Eidson:

Auburn University

Department of English, 9030 Haley Center, Auburn University, AL 36849-5203

Assistant Professor


The Department of English at Auburn University invites applications for a tenure-track position as Assistant Professor in rhetoric and composition to begin Fall 2015. The teaching load is 2-2, with assignments in upper-division and graduate rhetoric and/or composition courses as well as teaching in the first-year composition component of Auburn’s core curriculum.  Individuals joining our faculty will be working with us to focus and invigorate our first-year writing program and enrich our graduate concentration in rhetoric and composition as well as our undergraduate majors.

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Reminder 3rd Thurs. Talk Tomorrow & Notes from RSA Meeting Today

Please join us for the first 3rd Thursday Talks meeting, which will be held tomorrow (Thurs., Sept. 18th) in the new Troy Moore Library (25PP, Room 2343) at 4:00 PM. We’ll be discussing ways to get involved professionally on campus and in regional or national organizations (and beyond). Come with ideas to share and/or be ready to gather ideas and get involved. Hope to see you there!

Also, Belle Wang asked me to share the following information from today’s GSU RSA meeting. Email Belle with questions (bwang8@gsu.edu).

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Rhetoric Society of America @ GSU Meeting Sept. 17th

Posted on behalf of Belle/Xiaobo Wang:

Hi all! This is a message from my friend Zoë, which you will probably be interested in. Please come join us!

The Rhetoric Society of America student chapter will be holding its first meeting of the semester on Wednesday, September 17, at 11:00 AM, location TBA.

To learn more about RSA, check out the national website. For more information on our student chapter, check out our mission statement below and  join us next Wednesday! If you cannot attend the meeting, but would like more information, please email me so I can send you the minutes.

Mission Statement: The Rhetoric Society of America at Georgia State University establishes a space for graduate students to foster the study of rhetoric. It seeks to cultivate community between rhetoric scholars across disciplines and is committed to promoting civic engagement at GSU.




Zoë Hess Carney

2CI PhD Fellow, Department of Communication, GSU

Director of RSA Student Chapter at GSU

Third Thursday Talks (with Tea): R/C Prof. Development Series Kicks off Sept. 18th

Graduate students in Rhetoric and Composition, based on the feedback and interests of peers, have created a new professional development series: Third Thursday Talks (with Tea). Intended as an extension of some of the events piloted last spring (comps & cocktails @ Twains and the 4Cs proposal workshop), this series of events promises to offer rhet/comp graduate students and faculty a time and space to socialize and informally discuss professional development topics. Mark your calendar, and we hope to see you there! As we plan for spring 2015 sessions, we welcome feedback on suggested topics, locations, and times of day for meetings: email Dr. Holmes (aholmes@gsu.edu).

September 18th

The beginning of a new semester is a great time to get involved with new things on campus and beyond, or a great time to share opportunities with others and help them get involved. Come out to chat with faculty members and organization representatives about ways service and committee work can make you stand out in the rhet/comp field.

Location: Troy Moore Library (25PP 2343)

Time: 4pm

October 16th

Anyone looking ahead towards the job market will want to be a part of this casual conversation with faculty and peers, where we’ll discuss the intricacies of entering the market.  It’ll also be informational for anyone with a rhet/comp concentration who is looking for jobs that are not university/teaching oriented!

Location: Troy Moore Library (25PP 2343)

Time: 4pm

November 20th

As comprehensive exams wrap up for the fall semester, this gathering will be a great time to talk about transitioning into prospectus writing with faculty and students who have been there. Come work out a plan before the euphoria of winter break sets in and mingle with people who could make up a great writing group.

Location: TBA

Time: 4pm

2 Opportunities to Present at 4Cs Conference in Tampa

The deadline for proposing a panel at the Conference on College Composition & Communication has already passed, but there are still a couple more opportunities to present your work in Tampa next March at the conference.

  1. Submit a work-in-progress at the Research Network Forum: Proposals due Oct. 31st. Read the full CFP for more details.
  2. Submit a proposal for the Digital Pedagogy Poster sessions: Proposals due Oct. 13th. Apply online here.

These are both great opportunities for graduate students to present their work at a major national conference, especially because C’s 2015 will be fairly close-by. If you have questions about these opportunities or would like some feedback on a draft proposal, chat with a faculty member in Rhetoric and Composition. A number of GSU graduate students and faculty members have presented at RNF and/or the DPP, so feel free to ask around–perhaps at the Rhet/Comp graduate student social this Thursday!

Rhet/Comp Grad Student Social

Please mark your calendar for the rhetoric and composition graduate student welcome (back) social:

Rhetoric and composition graduate students and faculty will gather to get to know each other, meet newly admitted students, and discuss some exciting events we have planned for the fall semester. Tell your rhet/comp friends, and we hope to see you there!

Grad Course on Comp Research Available in MSE

If you are a graduate student looking to pick up another course this fall, EDRD 8310 Theoretical Models and Processes of Composition taught by Michelle Zoss would be an excellent choice.

The course will provide a comprehensive overview of the history of writing and composition research in education, delve into theoretical models that inform both research and teaching of writing, and provide room for students to develop projects related to this research and their own interests.

The class will meet on Wednesdays from 7:15 to 9:45 in room 106 of the College of Education. Please feel free to share this widely and encourage students to sign up by Friday August 8.

Posted on behalf of Dr. Burmester.

Upcoming Plans for Rhet/Comp Grad Student Group

Dear Fellow Rhet/Comp Folks,

Thanks to everyone who turned up for the summer rhet/comp graduate student planning session at Twain’s on Friday, July 11. We had an excellent turnout and were able to throw around many professionalization ideas for the upcoming school year. Below is a list of agenda items we plan to enact:

Third Thursday Talks: we discussed the possibility of establishing a monthly, on-campus series of presentations and workshops geared toward professionalization based collaboratively on attendee and presenter needs. Topics may include:

  • Upcoming conferences
  • Comprehensive exams
  • Prospectus writing
  • Publishing
  • Finding your research interest(s)
  • Getting involved in committee work
  • Research-driven GTA reflection 

August 28th “Welcome Back” social event: we started planning an informal social for the Thursday at the end of the first week of school for some reflection and relaxation, especially welcoming new rhet/comp graduate students. More details forthcoming.

Facebook Group: Laura Anderson is going to start a graduate student rhet/comp Facebook group. Click here to join.

Informative Document for Newcomers: we discussed a desire to create a collective document that serves to answer frequently asked questions by new graduate students.

Again, thank you to those who were able to make it to Twains. Please let us know if you have any ideas or suggestions that may contribute to our ongoing planning for the 2014-2015 school year.


Rhet/Comp Group
