Sounding Composition Lecture: Tues. Feb. 9th @ 2PM

This Tuesday, Dr. Steph Ceraso, sound studies and digital writing scholar, will present “Sounding Composition: Learning to Listen in the 21st Century” at 2:00 PM in Troy Moore Library (24th floor of 25 Park Place). We will have a long discussion after the formal talk, so feel free to arrive late or after class to join in the discussion. See details below and on the flyer.

Dr. Steph Ceraso will discuss how sound works to shape and affect embodied listening experiences. Drawing from the listening and composing practices of deaf percussionist Evelyn Glennie, acoustical designers, and automotive acoustic engineers, Ceraso demonstrates how “multimodal listening practices” offer an expansive sensory approach to listening and invigorates the role of sound in digital composition.

Steph Ceraso specializes in rhetoric and composition, pedagogy, sound studies, and digital media. Her scholarship and media projects have appeared in diverse venues, including Composition Studies, Provoke! Digital Sound Studies, the special “Sonic Rhetorics” issue of Harlot, Currents in Electronic Literacy, and Sounding Out!. Her “(Re)Educating the Senses” won the 2015 Richard Ohmann Award for Outstanding Article in College English. Dr. Ceraso visits Georgia State University as part of the University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC) Eminent Scholar Mentor Program (mentored by Mary Hocks, English) to support junior faculty.

*Use the links in the above bio paragraph to browse her work.

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