2 CCCCs Opportunities

If you haven’t yet heard, the Bedford / St. Martin’s Party (see flyer) will be at the Indiana State Museum on Thursday the 20th from 6 – 8 PM.

I also wanted you to know about a great opportunity to write up a review of a CCCC panel session that will be published in the online journal Kairos. See the message below for more details. A few graduate students from our program at GSU wrote up reviews last year, and I think it’s a great opportunity! Feel free to share this with friends and colleagues who will be attending CCCCs. If you are interested, you should respond ASAP.

Dear Colleagues:

My name is Christopher Dean, and I’m an editor for the annual review of the annual Conference on College Composition and Communication (CCCC) that is published in Kairos.  Since 2000 we at the CCCC Review have been doing reviews of conference presentations, workshops, SIGs, and other events associated with the CCCC.  As we enter our 14th year, we would like to invite you to help with the Kairos CCCC Review this year if you will be in Indianapolis, Indiana.

If you are interested in participating as part of our conference reviewing team, please send Christopher Dean (cdean@writing.ucsb.edu), an email with a subject header of “Kairos CCCC Review.”  Please do this off list.  Also include-at the beginning of your email-your name and email address.  Next week we will then send out, to all interested parties, our “reviewer instructions.”  If you want to see past examples of work done for the CCCC Review, you can look at our 2013 review athttp://kairos.technorhetoric.net/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/CCCCReviews/2013TOC, and all past CCCC Reviews are located at http://kairos.technorhetoric.net/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/CCCCReviews/Home.

On behalf of the folks at Kairos and our team of editors-Randall McClure, Fred Siegel, Will Hochman, Stephanie Vie, Alexis Hart, Andrea Beaudin, Michelle LaFrance, Steve Corbett, Kathy Patterson and myself-we welcome your participation and solicit your good words.

See you in Indianapolis!  We will be following up, with reviewer materials and instructions, as we hear back from you.

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