Rhet/Comp Graduate Students in the Spotlight

Our graduate students have been busy presenting at conferences, publishing their work, and being elected to committees for national professional organizations. Here’s a list of announcements for recent and upcoming accomplishments. Please see a separate post about upcoming presentations at ATTW, CCCC, and RSA. Congrats to all!


Cristine Busser has had the chapter “Beyond Coordination: Building Collaborative Partnerships to Support Institutional-Level Retention Initiatives in Writing Programs,” co-authored with Dr. Ashley Holmes, accepted for publication in the forthcoming edited collection Retention, Persistence, and Writing Programs, to be published with Utah State University Press. Cristine’s review of Pegeen Reichert Powell’s Retention and Resistance has also been accepted for publication and is forthcoming in the Journal of Teaching Writing.

Jennifer Carter published “Literacy, Biology, and Salamanders” in February 2016 on the Digital Archive of Literacy Narratives’ Blog.

Charles Grimm published “Writing as Process: Synchronous and Asynchronous Feedback in Remote Tutoring” in October 2015 to the Sweetland Digital Rhetoric Collaborative.

Samantha Jakobeit has had a chapter accepted for publication in the forthcoming anthology Comics and Graphic Novels as Cultural Artifacts: Teaching Ethnographic and Archival Research in the Composition Classroom.

Matthew Sansbury’s review piece of a 2015 CCCC panel was published in Kairos: A Journal of Rhetoric, Technology, and Pedagogy.

Xiaobo (Belle) Wang published “The communication design of WeChat: ideological as well as technical aspects of social media,” co-authored with Dr. Baotong Gu,  in the November 2015 issue of Communication Design Quarterly Review.


Roger Austin presented “Turning toward Each Other: Cultivating Inclusivity among Staff and the Community” at the Southeastern Writing Center Association Conference in Columbus, GA.

Paige Arrington presented “Tutoring toward Each Other: Cultivating Inclusivity among Staff and the Community” at the Southeastern Writing Center Association Conference in Columbus, GA.

Cristine Busser presented “Turning toward Each Other: Cultivating Inclusivity among Staff and the Community” at the Southeastern Writing Center Association Conference in Columbus, GA.

Jennie Carter presented “Prison Outreach Programs: An Inclusivity of All Students”; “Grappling with Grammar: Achieving Inclusivity through Grammatical Discourse in the Writing Center” at the Southeastern Writing Center Association Conference in Columbus, GA.

Kristeen Cherney presented “Inclusion for the Isolated: Writing Tutoring Strategies for Students with ASD” at the Southeastern Writing Center Association Conference in Columbus, GA.

Kelly Elmore presented “Habits of Mind in the Writing Center: The Inclusion of Uncertainty” at the Southeastern Writing Center Association Conference in Columbus, GA.

Charles Grimm presented “Grappling with Grammar: Achieving Inclusivity through Grammatical Discourse in the Writing Center” and “Can the Writing Studio Include the Private Tutor?” at the Southeastern Writing Center Association Conference in Columbus, GA.

Samantha Jakobeit will be presenting “English in the Margins: Cajun Literacy in Bec Doux et ses amis” at the Comic Arts Conference in the San Diego Comic Con.

Emily Kimbell presented “Online Writing Centers: An Analysis of the Write/Chat Interface and its Pedagogical Implementation”at the 2016 New Voices Conference at GSU.

Kristen Ruccio presented “Seamless Inclusivity: Imagining Designs for Inclusive Writing Centers” at the Southeastern Writing Center Association Conference in Columbus, GA.

Xiaobo (Belle) Wang presented “Building the Babel of Transnational Literacy: A Tutoring Model” at the Southeastern Writing Center Association Conference in Columbus, GA.

Kateland Wolfe co-chaired the 2016 New Voices Conference.

National Service

Kristen Ruccio has been elected to the Council of Writing Program Administrators’-Graduate Organization (WPA-GO) Graduate Committee.


*Please email a R/C faculty member to keep us apprised of your accomplishments for future announcements.*

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