Rhet/Comp Graduate Student Kudos!

Congratulations to our talented Rhetoric and Composition students featured in Dr. Hall-Godsey’s Lower Division Studies GTA kudos report, excerpted below:

Publications and Awards:

Thomas Breideband’s TED talk “What Gardening Has Taught Me About Social Media” has been published.

Additionally, Thomas will be presenting his paper “(Re)Configuring Twitter: The Transgressive Potential of New Media to Challenge Political and Corporate Branding” at the Annual Conference of Internet Research in Phoenix, Arizona in October.

We would like to highlight the work Kateland Wolfe is doing with the Office of First Year Programs.  Her work with Ghost Map is thoughtful, and incredibly helpful for all of us teaching in LDS.

Nathan Wagner’s review of Understanding Rhetoric: A Graphic Guide to Writing can be seen in the most recent issue of Composition Forum.

Helen Cauley’s editorial “Hard Work and HOPE” ran in the July 20th issue of the Atlanta Journal Constitution.


Many of our GTAs are working at other Universities now (and we miss them)!  We would like to recognize Jennifer Forsthoefel’s and Katy Harrison’s new positions as Brittain Fellows at Georgia Tech.  Congratulations!


Congratulations to Paige Arrington, Cristine Busser, Kateland Wolfe, and Kristen Ruccio for their symposium proposal acceptance by the NCTE WLU Literacies for All Summer Institute.

Cristine Busser has been accepted to the 2016 4Cs to present on a panel titled “Retention and Student Success: Taking Action in Writing Programs and Classrooms.”

Kristen Ruccio will present her paper “Taking Action about Ableist Language in Composition Studies” at the 2016 4Cs.  Her session is scheduled for the 7th from 4:45-6:00 pm.

Roger Austin will be presenting at 4Cs in 2016.  Stop in to hear his paper “Taking Action Through the Archives: Standardizing Writing Center Archive Profiles for Praxis, Knowledge, and Continuity”  on the 7th at 12:15.

If you have additional Rhet/Comp kudos, please send the information to Ashley Holmes (aholmes@gsu.edu) so we can celebrate your accomplishments, too!

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