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Annotated Bibliography 5: Impact of Waiting Rooms

“Build a Positive Atmosphere in the Waiting Room to Make Patients Comfortable and Happy.” Accessed February 25, 2016. http://www.dignityhealth.org/cm/content/pages/build-a-positive-atmosphere-in-the-waiting-room-to-make-patients-comfortable-and-happy.asp.

In article,” Build a Positive Atmosphere in the Waiting Room to Make Patients Comfortable and Happy”, list the major influences the waiting room has on the patients mood. Waiting time in a waiting room is crucial to a persons patience level, anxiety, mood, and level of pain. The mood and attitude of doctors, nurses, or other people who work in a doctors office can also influence the patients mood . “Not being greeted by a receptionist… can also impact the patient’s mood”.


Major conditions can change a person’s mood in a waiting room. Lighting, artwork, furniture, reading material, Internet access and technology, and the overall layout can change someone’s experience in a waiting room . The lighting in a waiting room, for example, is very important because a dark dim place does not seem very suitable to be treated.


By having a hospital nearby, student may want to feel they someplace safe to go if an accident occurs. The layout of the hospital is very important. Having a hospital on campus is  a certain luxury that most people do not have in their built environment.




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