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Reading Summary 5: Color Walking


William Burroughs challenged students to take something simple as walking down the street into a challenge to be inspired. Phia Bennin and Brendan McMullan, the writers of the article “Color Walking”, work on a podcast called Colors. Their main goal is to, “illuminate ideas, and the boundaries blur between science, philosophy, and human experience”. Many Americans are constantly on the go with their only purpose in mind is getting to their planned destination. People will rarely stop and see the vividness surrounding them. To participate in the experiment, participants need an hour of uninterrupted time and are able to focus their mind on a particular color. This experiment challenges participants to be highly aware of their surroundings and notice small details that are not usually noticed.

Classwork 4/13/16


For the title of the Essay, I was thinking about The Hierarchy of Space in Atlanta or The Meaning of Architecture in Atlanta. For my Built Environment Analysis, I want to write about the effects of design in the built environment. Also I want to write about the impact of the space we chose to live in and how it determines who we are.

Reading Summary 6: Better Online Living through Content Moderation



The article, “Better Online Living through Content Moderation”, People have the option to block or restrict certain content that they do not want to have in their lives. In certain cultures victim’s abuse online is not treated with the intensity that it should. Online bullying provokes violence and caused a great amount of stress to victims. The writer argues that people should not have to explain, or get ridiculed if they decide to block certain things from their online experience. People should not have to be forced to accept being labeled as weak and sensitive. Online bullying is not the same as exposure therapy. Exposure therapy is used to gradually combat anxiety through exposure. Online bullying is not therapeutic. Online bullying is random unnecessary attacks against people who want relief from the harassment they receive. People should have a say in how their personal story is being portrayed online so there are options to block and ways to limit what others can see.

The writer also states that the public is not informed in the ways a person can get PTSD. Most people believe only veterans can contract PTSD. Bullying has a severe impact on mental health. Symptoms from PTSD are depression and even suicide. PTSD from bullying can be prevented or blocked from content control. The misconception of online harassment causes hurt and mental problems.

Some people are opposed to blocklists. They feel as though their internet experience is being hindered because of another person. Although they may not be involved in the bullying process they are still opposed to blocking. Online bullying is very vicious and can be constantly persistent. Gamergate threatens people into silence. They will also go as far as threatening a person’s family members. Content control allows victims to protect themselves from the vicious people who sit behind their computers. One of the best things victims can do is to takes the necessary steps to keep them safe physically and mentally. Intimidating tactics designed to silence people is illegal.

Women are large targets for online bullying . Women who are in male dominated areas are more subject to sexism and harassment. Sexism online is not something a woman should just “get over”. Women may want to go online and enjoy games just as a man would, possibly to get away from sexism and harassment in real life. Dealing with the constant bombardment of threats and negativity can definitely cause PTSD for women.

Blocking is not a silencing tactic but is a way to shelter those who have been victimized. The writer suggests that people should be in charge of their own online experience. Those who are against blocking lack empathy for those experiencing trauma. Most people do not think of those with mental problems and those who are not like them. People do not think about other’s mental state so they tend not to care about feelings other than their own.

Online harassment can be stopped if individuals were more sensitive to the lives of others.



Digital Description Overview


As I first ventured through the King Center website, the first thing I noticed was how dark it is. The main color of the website is black which could have any meaning for the King’s cause. Since the website is very dark, it is not very appealing to the eye. The other main color of the website is green. The right hand side of the website have a large profile of Martin Luther King Jr. while in the middle of speaking. This incorporation of King’s face shows his powerfulness. I can see the drive, ambition, and passion in his eyes. This immediately made me inspired and grateful for his activism. The photo of King lets people visiting the site know who’s site it is immediately other than the name of the website. The website attempts to preserve his legacy and keeps the focus on Martin Luther King Jr. the website is also focused on donating to the King Center. There is only one image of the symbol for the center.  There are about six tabs which are focused on learning more about the King’s. The King Center website has a digital archive which has pictures, letters, and other images regarding or concerning King. The website has news about King which keeps his legacy alive today. The websites tabs and options are all in block form. The websites font is also blocking and gives off a formal tone. The way the website is set up allows people to go directly to what they want. There not any distracting factors which allows me to stay focused on all the content of the website. There are social media accounts for the site which allows people to gain information in a different way. The website could be made in a better light. The color scheme is very dark and depressing. There could be more images and colors. The website has a section to add individual dreams. This option seems to give individuals an opportunity to create and share their own dreams like Dr. King. I feel the website is made for an older audience or those researching King or the site. The website does not appeal to children. The website is very dull and children would lose interest quickly. The website lacks interactive features. 

Digital Description 5


book martin

On the King Center website here is a tab labeled Learn. It is a drop down tab. The last option inside of the Learn tab is called books and bibliography.  The website offers a list and description of work written by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. The website emphasizes the books because they are on a white background. In  the margins are handwritten words on paper. The creators of this website matched to mood the the page along with the content. The books and bibliography page is concentrated on the books because there are not any distracting factors such as advertisement. The lists of books are important because it allows individuals who come to the site, a chance to go further in depth to learn about the King’s. The website gives its visitors to the site a lot of information about the King’s. The books show individuals more about the impact and legacy that the King’s left behind.

“Books & Bibliography | The Martin Luther King Jr. Center for Nonviolent Social Change.” Accessed April 6, 2016. http://www.thekingcenter.org/books-bibliography.

Digital Description 4


i have a dream

The King Center website has about five tabs. The last tab is a tab called Dream. It is a dropdown tab with three options. Once clicked upon it has enlarged words such as Education, Family, Peace, and many other words. The website has an opportunity for those inspired to post their dreams. Marin Luther King Jr’s famous speech continues to inspire other. the website give an opportunity for people to post their dreams and others to view them. The dreams are organized by  specific topics. The layout is not boxed but each word is individually spaced. Depending on how many dreams there are for each specific topic the word gets bigger. In the background is a hand written letter showing that it is an area to type.

The purpose of this art of the website is to preserve the ideology of Dr. King and to allow others to share their dreams.

“See/Share Dreams on The King Center Dream Wall | The Martin Luther King Jr. Center for Nonviolent Social Change.” Accessed April 6, 2016. http://www.thekingcenter.org/dreams.

Digital Description 3


social media

The website The King Center as interactive features including social media. Having  social media options gives opportunity to reach more individuals. The King Center has an account for many popular sites such as Facebook and Twitter. Those may never been on the King Center website can be linked to it through social media. Social media accounts can give the most up to date posts coming from the King Center. The Civil Rights movement happened some decades ago. Having social media and even the website itself keeps the King Center current and relevant. The YouTube availability is great because it gives individuals who want to learn more a chance to actively watch videos. The placement of the social media is at the top of the website which makes it easy to see. The social media option gives individuals an option to follow the King Center to make it more convenient  to get the information.




“The Martin Luther King Jr. Center for Nonviolent Social Change.” Accessed April 5, 2016. http://www.thekingcenter.org/.

Digital Description 2



On the King Center Website, the first tab is an About tab. It is in drop tab form. Having the form gives the website visitor the opportunity to choose what they want to learn about in depth.  Since the About tab is first it shows that learning about the King Center and who it is dedicated to is the most important thing. First in the drop tab is About The King Center. Learning about the overall site seems to be the thing of most importance. The next thing to learn about are the King’s themselves, including both Coretta Scott King and Martin Luther King Jr. Lastly it includes the King Philosophy. Having the About tab first suggests the meaning and purpose of the website. The most important thing of the website is actually learning about the King Center, those who inspired it, the continuous impact, and legacy of the King’s.


“Donate Today and Get Involved | The Martin Luther King Jr. Center for Nonviolent Social Change.” Accessed April 5, 2016. http://www.thekingcenter.org/donate-get-involved.

Digital Description 1


martin location

On the right margin is a box with the location of the King Center. It is the only thing on either side of the margins. The location is very clear and also has a number attached for any questions. The number alongside the address is important because people may not be familiar with the location and may need assistance. This is very important so potential visitors do not have to search the entire website to find the location. This makes it easier and more likely for people to visit if there is not a lot a hassle to find the address. The King Center is a historical site therefore a main component of the website would be knowing where it is located. The word location is in green which makes it easy to see with a grey background surrounding it. There are not a lot of distracting features or popups from the website.


“Donate Today and Get Involved | The Martin Luther King Jr. Center for Nonviolent Social Change.” Accessed April 5, 2016. http://www.thekingcenter.org/donate-get-involved.

Annotated Bibliographies 1-10



Hospers, Gert-Jan. “Lynch’s The Image Of The City After 50 Years: City Marketing Lessons

From An Urban Planning Classic.” European Planning Studies 18.12 (2010): 2073-

  1. Business Source Complete. Web. 5 Feb. 2016.

Kevin Lynch is an architect who taught urban planning for thirty years. In the article, Lynch’s The Image of the City after 50 Years: City Marketing Lessons from an Urban Planning Classic, the writer explains the main elements that Lynch concluded that people see in a city.  He also introduces the term “image ability”, which is defined as “that quality in a physical object which gives it a high probability of evoking a strong image in any given observer”.   Lynch concluded that most people see cities as a built image. The five main elements of cities consist of paths (lines of movement), edges (transition zones), districts (distinctive city zones), nodes (strategic meeting zones), and landmarks (singular objects). These five things usually overlap. “Lynch hoped authorities would pay closer attention to urban designs and to “improve the quality-of-life (Lynch 2075)”, of those who live in the area. City marketers are extremely concerned with the image of their city. A poor image could negatively affect economic performance in that area. Lynch concludes that the link between a city’s image and its built environment can be exploited for the purpose of city marketing.


Beer, Chris. “The Contingent Public Value Of ‘Good Design’: Regulating The Aesthetics Of The

Australian Urban Built Environment.” Australian Journal Of Public Administration 73.2

(2014): 282-292. Business Source Complete. Web. 5 Feb. 2016.

In the article, The Contingent Public Value of ‘Good Design’: Regulating the Aesthetics of the Australian Urban Built Environment, proposes that the built environment in Australian cities should be more visually appealing. Aesthetic regulation is aimed to promote the good design and beauty but is not the only goal. The writer goes in depth about the history of aesthetic value. The manifestation of the concern of rapid urbanization stemmed from the ‘City Beautiful’ movement that arose from the United States. Public value today, is a rationale for aesthetic regulation but has not always been historically. Recently there has been studies aiming to analyze ‘the value of urban design’. The writer examines the specific forms of public value and how over-regulation and under-regulation would be a danger. Also about the issues in the design of greater regulatory practice. Finally it concludes that taste and good design remain controversial within the design between professionals.


Vogel, Steven. “On Alienation From The Built Environment.” Ethical Theory & Moral Practice

17.1 (2014): 87. Advanced Placement Source. Web. 5 Feb. 2016.

In the article, On Alienation from the Built Environment, the author takes time to describe the actual meaning of the work environment and how it is not often used in the context it was meant for. Steven Vogel considers himself an environmental philosopher. Vogel claims, “…the built world appears in most environmental discussions not as the environment but as a threat to the environment (88)”. Vogel also suggests that we are alienated from the built environment itself which in fact makes us alienated from the environment itself. The environment in which most people live in are socially constructed places. Environmental problems are in fact social problems. Because we do not recognize the origin of things and the role of nature we therefore fail to recognize the human nature, socially surrounding up. The tragedy in what Vogel calls alienation can be overcome by making collective decisions as a whole to improve the true environment, instead of a series of individual motives.

“Pedestrian & Bicycle Information Center.” Accessed February 24, 2016. http://www.pedbikeinfo.org/planning/facilities_bike_bikelanes.cfm.
bike lanes
The article, “Bicycle Lanes”, the author clearly defines the use of bike. Bike lanes offer a, “…sense of comfort and perceived safety…” Bike lanes are away to maintain safety for motorist and bicyclist. The lanes offer a safe area for bicyclists to prevent dooring and other accidents caused when they don’t have a safe place to ride their bikes.
There are many things to consider before having a bike lane. Bike lanes may require a lot of maintenance to keep debris out of the lanes to prevent accidents. Bike lanes are also very expensive; prices ranging from 5,000 to 535,000 dollars. On the flip side bike lanes promotes safety to pedestrians and motorists.
This article relates to the overall built environment because it shows how willing some communities are able prepared to go, to make everyone in the community feel welcome and safe. There are bike lanes in the downtown Atlanta area which shows how diverse the city actually is. it has lanes for anyone regardless how they get to their destination.
“Build a Positive Atmosphere in the Waiting Room to Make Patients Comfortable and Happy.” Accessed February 25, 2016. http://www.dignityhealth.org/cm/content/pages/build-a-positive-atmosphere-in-the-waiting-room-to-make-patients-comfortable-and-happy.asp.

In article,” Build a Positive Atmosphere in the Waiting Room to Make Patients Comfortable and Happy”, list the major influences the waiting room has on the patients mood. Waiting time in a waiting room is crucial to a persons patience level, anxiety, mood, and level of pain. The mood and attitude of doctors, nurses, or other people who work in a doctors office can also influence the patients mood . “Not being greeted by a receptionist… can also impact the patient’s mood”.

Major conditions can change a person’s mood in a waiting room. Lighting, artwork, furniture, reading material, Internet access and technology, and the overall layout can change someone’s experience in a waiting room . The lighting in a waiting room, for example, is very important because a dark dim place does not seem very suitable to be treated.

By having a hospital nearby, student may want to feel they someplace safe to go if an accident occurs. The layout of the hospital is very important. Having a hospital on campus is  a certain luxury that most people do not have in their built environment.

“Pollution From Construction.” Accessed February 25, 2016. http://www.sustainablebuild.co.uk/pollutionfromconstruction.html.
Construction of new buildings cause air, water, and noise pollution. Actually building the built environment is a hazard to people. ” All construction sites generate high levels of dust…” These dust particles are invisible to the naked eye which can affect us without even noticing it. The dust particles, soot and other toxins can cause health risks such as lung damage. Certain pollutants such as diesel, oil, and paint create water pollution which can disturb the life of certain plants and animal that live in the area. Construction sites are very noisy and may disrupt people living in that area.  There are numerous ways to help the built environment stay clean and that are not harmful to individuals working and living in the area.

Construction is very important to building the built environment. Many thing that are of use in a particular area are enjoyed without thinking of the work it took to built such a place. The building of the environment itself has certain effects on our everyday lives.



“The Importance of Green Spaces in Improving the Health of Communities.” The Playing Field, November 26, 2014. http://theplayingfield.org.uk/importance-green-spaces-improving-health-communities/.

open field

“The Importance of Green Spaces in Improving the Health of Communities.” The Playing Field, November 26, 2014. http://theplayingfield.org.uk/importance-green-spaces-improving-health-communities/.

Green spaces are very important for the health and well being of human beings. The article, “The importance of green spaces in improving the health of communities”, suggests and proves that green spaces are very important in healthy development. There are certain feel good factors that people experience while doing outdoor recreational activities. There are many positive impacts of having green spaces and some negative repercussions because of a lack thereof. Access of green spaces may influence those living in the area to exercise more frequently. Having green spaces is also linked to a better immune system, sleep, and can save money in the future for mental or physical health problems. Most people living in deprived areas so not have access to green spaces. Also the lack of green spaces can even lead to depression. The article also emphasizes the importance of allowing the community to decide what they want in their community.



Downs, Anthony. “Traffic: Why It’s Getting Worse, What Government Can Do.” The Brookings Institution. Accessed March 27, 2016. http://www.brookings.edu/research/papers/2004/01/01transportation-downs.

“The Importance of Green Spaces in Improving the Health of Communities.” The Playing Field, November 26, 2014. http://theplayingfield.org.uk/importance-green-spaces-improving-health-communities/.

atlanta traffic

Downs, Anthony. “Traffic: Why It’s Getting Worse, What Government Can Do.” The Brookings Institution. Accessed March 27, 2016. http://www.brookings.edu/research/papers/2004/01/01transportation-downs.

Traffic is a major problem in the city of Atlanta. There has been contemplation of how to fix this problem in the built environment. Options include greatly expanding road capacity and greatly expanding public transportation but these ideas do not make sense realistically.  The article suggests that the only solution to the problem is to deal with it because it is nearly impossible to eliminate congestion completely. The article does give ideas to slow down the rate it occurs in the future. Police could, “Respond more rapidly to traffic-blocking accidents and incidents”.  We could also build more roads in growing areas but there are also some opponents to this idea believing it may cause more travelers. More High Occupancy Toll (HOT) Lanes  and High-Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) Lanes, can be created to add to the overall capacity. The article also implies that, “traffic congestion often results from economic prosperity and other types of success”. Heavy traffic is a problem that has to be solved with patience.



Technology’s Influence on Education.” Accessed March 31, 2016. http://source.southuniversity.edu/technologys-influence-on-education-76874.aspx.


There has been a major change in learning in the built environment. Technology has changed the way students do work and how they interact with their students. Technology in the classroom was meant to increase productivity in learning. The use of technology also promotes a more enjoyable way of learning including games with instant knowledge and answers. Children and adults both use technology for entertainment and learning. Laptops and cellular devices in the classroom show the major changes chalkboards. Without technology some advantages would not be available without technology. Along with the positive advances made there are also many negative sides to having fast accessibility to information. Some individuals use the internet for bullying purposes and distraction from work and school. The use of technology in everyday life show how the built environment has changed and how it is constantly changing. Technology has changed the way we learn and people’s lives as a whole.



CDC | Accessibility | Disability and Health | NCBDDD.” Accessed March 31, 2016. http://www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/disabilityandhealth/accessibility.html.

Handicap accessibility is an issue in the fast pace are of Atlanta. The built environment is not specifically designed for those who struggle with a disability. Every aspect of the built environment  should be accessible to different types of people, those who are not the majority. Some examples of accessibility includes access for those in wheelchairs. Some places only has stairs which inhibits people in wheelchairs use or access to that certain area. Those in wheelchairs are the most accommodated group with a disability. Those who have other disabilities to other senses have a harder time surviving on their own let alone in a major city.. The article, “Accessibility”, offers a solution to this problem which is called the, “Universal Design”. This offers a solution to the problem. This implies that items and the design of the built environment could be used for all types of people. This could help people with disabilities to lead somewhat normal lives on their own.



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