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Annotated Bibliography 6: Pollution From Construction

“Pollution From Construction.” Accessed February 25, 2016. http://www.sustainablebuild.co.uk/pollutionfromconstruction.html.
Construction of new buildings cause air, water, and noise pollution. Actually building the built environment is a hazard to people. ” All construction sites generate high levels of dust…” These dust particles are invisible to the naked eye which can affect us without even noticing it. The dust particles, soot and other toxins can cause health risks such as lung damage. Certain pollutants such as diesel, oil, and paint create water pollution which can disturb the life of certain plants and animal that live in the area. Construction sites are very noisy and may disrupt people living in that area.  There are numerous ways to help the built environment stay clean and that are not harmful to individuals working and living in the area.


Construction is very important to building the built environment. Many thing that are of use in a particular area are enjoyed without thinking of the work it took to built such a place. The building of the environment itself has certain effects on our everyday lives.




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