Norwood, Etta “Poor Folks Have Dreams”, Seeding The Process Of Multicultural Education, Minnesota Inclusiveness Program, 1998, pg. 77
This piece was selected for the built environment because Poor People Have Dreams and these dreams are the block of their reality.
The author talks about poverty from a personal point of view. The describes life in poverty and the things that are important to poor people while impoverished. The author explains the decisions and choices poor people make for survival. Enev personal relationships are influenced by the level of poverty.
“talking about poverty seems like exposure.”
People in poverty are frugal and resourceful, “save everything that could be used” one never knows what will come tomorrow or what one might need.
“we save because we might need. everything is important.”
Poor people make choices, and some are not based on necessity.
“spending like there’s no tomorrow, as though our happiness had to be consumed in a day!”
After not having for so long, one period of happiness relieved of strife temporarily is like a holiday with celebrations, at all cost.
This take on poverty is typical, waiting for some relief when it comes it is not enough to bailout debts, not enough to change tomorrow. The choice is between “saving and embracing the immediate” (Norwood, 77)
The two poems are about poverty as the experience of life. The first poem talks about interaction with other who not in poverty and the false presence of concern.
The second poem talked about home life and the situations overcome to survive in a limited income environment and be happy.
The article was part of a compilation of literary writings, the theme was “Oppression” Poor Folks Have Dreams was selected because it addressed how built environment is handled by the poor and disenfranchised groups.
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