Latest News

Congratulations to Liz Haseltine who was awarded Second Place in the oral presentation category at the Georgia State University Graduate Research Conference.  She presented her research on children’s cognitive offloading. Way to go Liz!

It is with profound sadness that that COMIC Lab mourns the loss of Dr. David Washburn on January 24. Dr. Washburn was everything good about the LRC.  He mentored Dr. Beran and others in the COMIC Lab during his many years as Director of the LRC.  He made every group he was a part of more collegial and, in many cases, so much more fun. He was an excellent organizer of fun and weird events for the LRC (paintball, bumper cars, pie eating contests, intramural sports, and so forth), and he always supported the wellbeing of his students and colleagues in any way he could.

Dr. Brielle James celebrating her commencement at GSU!  A very fun night!








Another successful and fun Psychonomics Meeting in 2024 in New York City for COMIC Lab.  Andres Sanchez, Joey McKeon and Liz Haseltine all presented posters, and Mike Beran gave a talk about monkeys and multiplication. Dr. Kelly and Dr. Perdue also presented their work on metacognition in children using eyetracking.  Some photos below:












Another successful Psychology Undergraduate Research Conference!  We had 4 presenting students this year, Laura Eagar, Cassandra Rosales, Isabela Szikman, and Mason Gogstad. They all did a great job!












A new paper by Liz Haseltine and her colleagues, including other COMIC lab members, was featured on Kudos – click here to see it.

Congratulations to Dr. Brielle James, who successfully defended her doctoral dissertation!  She assessed stimulus and cognitive control in monkeys and humans using a computerized set of tasks.



Congratulations to Katarina Syed, who will be starting a Masters program in Counseling at Johns Hopkins this year.  Katarina was a wonder research assistant during her time in the COMIC lab, and we wish her the best!

A big announcement for the COMIC Lab!  Dara Jonkoski has accepted a position in the PhD program at the University of Arizona where she will work with Dr. Emily Bray in studying many aspects of dog behavior and cognition.  We are so proud of Dara!!

Joey McKeon and Liz Haseltine presented their research at the Comparative Cognition Conference in Albuquerque in April.  Joey was awarded the Best Student Presentation Award for the conference for his paper based on his Masters thesis.  Congrats to them both!

The Georgia State Undergraduate Research Conference saw the COMIC lab well-represented by our superstar undergrads! Posters were presented by Mari Sudhakar, Katarina Syed, and Dara Jonkoski.  They all did a fantastic job!

2023 News

November was Milestone Month!  Two theses and a dissertation all finished.

Liz Haseltine successfully defended her Masters thesis titled “For the sake of curiosity: Do monkeys choose to view counterfactual information when there is no benefit?”

Joey McKeon successfully defended his Masters thesis titled “Self-directed learning in nonhuman primates.”

Dr. Brooke Jackson successfully defended her doctoral dissertation. It was titled “Investigating exposure learning of family-resemblance categories.” Brooke will be remaining at the LRC and GSU, starting a postdoctoral position in January.  Congrats to all of them!


A very successful Psychonomics Meeting in 2023 for COMIC Lab.  Brooke Jackson, Andres Sanchez, Joey McKeon and Liz Haseltine all presented posters, and Mike Beran gave a talk about metacognition and offloading in children.  Some photos below:









The COMIC lab was well-represented at this year’s Psychology Undergraduate Research Conference.  We had two posters at PURC, and Dara’s poster was awarded 2nd place overall in the Best Presentation category.  Congrats to all of the co-authors!


Another successful STEAM night at Spark Elementary where Liz Haseltine, Kathleen Friedlein, and Katarina Syed gave demonstrations on visual and cognitive illusions.




Congrats to Dara Jonkoski who completed the Brains & Behavior Summer Scholars Program at GSU where she engaged in STEM training and collected her own data on delay of gratification in capuchin monkeys.  She presented that work at the Research Symposium in August.

Congratulations to Dr. Audrey Parrish, who received the APA Division 6 Early Career Investigator Award. She was invited to give a lecture at the annual convention of the APA in Washington DC in August.


A blog on the Psychology Today website covered the research by Molly Flessert about face pareidolia in children and monkeys.  The article is here.

Mike Beran has started his term as Chief Editor of the Journal of Comparative Psychology. Click here for a story highlighting this.

Congratulations to Dr. Maisy Englund, who graduated in May after completing her doctoral dissertation on the status quo bias in lemurs and monkeys. She has had an outstanding graduate career, and COMIC lab is very excited to see all that comes next for her!








The COMIC lab enjoyed the Comparative Cognition Conference in April.  Joey and Liz presented their research at the meeting.







Kathleen Friedlein presenting at GSURC, the Georgia State Undergraduate Research Conference.





The COMIC lab was well-represented at the SEPA conference in New Orleans.  Excellent presentations by Joey McKeon and Kathleen Friedlein.