Laura Eagar – Laura is working with the capuchin monkeys on a variety of tasks. She is focusing in particular on a study that assesses whether the monkeys can engage in multiplication-like operations when judging sets of stimuli and attempting to maximize food intake.
Cassandra Rosales – Cassandra is working with capuchin monkeys and human children on a variety of experiments. She is mainly focused on a project with monkeys assessing whether delay of responding can aid monkeys in overcoming potential visual illusions.
Mari Sudhakar – Mari is working with preschool age children on tests assessing the metacognitive abilities of children.
Isabela Szikman – Isabela is working with preschool age children on tests assessing the metacognitive abilities of children. She is interested in offloading of difficult aspects of tests as one way to assess metacognition.
Mason Gogstad – Mason is working with preschool age children on tests assessing the metacognitive abilities of children.
Alex Navas Sevilla – Alex is working with preschool age children on tests assessing the cognitive offloading and metacognitive abilities of children.