She is a Fellow of Division 6 of the American Psychological Association and also a member of Division 2 and Division 3. She is a Fellow of the Psychonomic Society. She was the Duane M. Rumbaugh Fellow at Georgia State University. She was elected to Psi Chi as an undergraduate and was the recipient of the Richard M. Griffith award from the Southern Society for Philosophy and Psychology (SSPP) in 2013. She has served as the Program Chair for the SSPP and was elected to serve on its Council from 2015-2018. She has served as membership chair for Division 3 of APA and was the program chair for Division 6 for the 2018 meeting of the APA. She also served on the CARE committee of APA. She has published papers in Psychological Science, Cognition, Animal Cognition, Biology Letters, the American Journal of Primatology and the Journal of Comparative Psychology. She co-authored a book entitled Zoo Animal Welfare by Springer-Verlag.
Dr. Perdue regularly teaches Cognitive Neuroscience, Introductory Psychology, Psychology, Research Statistics, Research Design and Methods, Animal and Human Learning and Animal Behavior at Agnes Scott College.