Books and Book Chapters

Primate Cognitive StudiesSchwartz, B. L. & Beran, M. J. (2022). Primate cognitive studies. Cambridge University Press.







Beran, M. J., & Parrish, A. E. (2022). Distinguishing mechanisms of behavioral inhibition and self-control. In M. Krause, K. L. Hollis, & M. R. Papini (Eds.), Evolution of learning and memory mechanisms. Cambridge University Press.






Beran, M. J. (2021). Worth the wait: Evidence for self-control in nonhuman primates. In J. R. Anderson & H. Kuroshima (Eds.), Comparative cognition – Commonalities and diversities (pp. 269-284). Springer Nature.







Flessert, M., & Beran, M. J. (2021). Primate recall memory. In A. B. Kaufman, J. Call, & J. C. Kaufman (Eds.), The Cambridge handbook of animal cognition (pp. 210-222). Cambridge University Press.






Beran, M. J., Perdue, B. M., & Parrish, A. E. (2020). Cognitive control and metacognition in chimpanzees. In L. M. Hopper & S. R. Ross (Eds.), Chimpanzees in context. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.







Beran, M. (2020). Animal learning and cognition. In Oxford research encyclopedia of psychology. Oxford University Press. doi:

Politano, P.M., Walton, R.O., & Parrish, A. E.(2018). Statistics and research methodology: A gentle conversation, 3rd Edition. Raleigh, NC: Lulu Press, Inc.







Beran, M. J. (2018). Self-control in animals and people. London: Academic Press.








Chapters in J. Vonk & T. K. Shackelford (Eds.), Encyclopedia of animal cognition and behavior. New York, NY: Springer.

Beran, M. J. (2021). Proto-counting. 

McKeon, E., & Beran, M. J. (2021). Planning. 

Beran, M. J. (2020). Sparse/dense discrimination.

Beran M.J., Parrish A.E., Agrillo C. (2020) Zöllner Illusion.

Haseltine, E., & Beran, M. J. (2020). Counting.

Parrish A.E., & Beran, M. J. (2020). Size illusion.

Whitman, W., Beran, M. J., & Washburn, D. A. (2020). Joystick.

Flessert, M., & Beran, M. J. (2019). Delayed gratification.

Perdue, B, M., Parrish, A. E., Beran, M. J., & Kelly, A. J. (2018). Prospective memory.

Smith, J. D., Church, B. A., Beran, M. J., Salamanca, J. A., & Washburn, D. A. (2018). Uncertainty paradigm.

Smith, J. D., Church, B. A., Beran, M. J., & Washburn, D. A. (2018). Meta-cognition.

Smith, T. R., & Beran, M. J. (2018). Arabic numerals.

French, K. A., & Beran, M. J. (2017). Addition.

Whitham, W., Beran, M. J., Menzel, C. R., & Washburn, D. A. (2017). Sarah, Lana, Sherman, and Austin.

Beran, M. J. (2017). Quantitative cognition.

In J. Call (Ed.), APA Handbook of Comparative Psychology. Washington, DC: APA Press.



Beran, M. J., & Parrish, A. E. (2016). Going for more: Discrete and continuous quantity judgments by nonhuman animals. 

In A. Henik (Ed.), Continuous issues in numerical cognition: How many or how much (pp. 175-192). San Diego: Academic Press.




Washburn, D. A., Beran, M. J., & Smith, J. D. (2016). Metamemory in comparative context.

In J. Dunlosky & S. K. Tauber (Eds.), The Oxford handbook of metamemory (pp. 269-288). Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.



Beran, M. J., Perdue, B. M., & Evans, T. A. (2015).  Monkey mathematical abilities. 

In R. Cohen Kadosh & A, Dowker (Eds), Oxford handbook of mathematical cognition.  Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.




Beran, M. J., Parrish, A. E., & Evans, T. A. (2014). Numerical cognition and quantitative abilities in nonhuman primates.

In D. Geary, D. Berch, & K. Mann Koepke (Eds.), Evolutionary origins and early development of number processing. Elsevier.




Smith, M. J., Couchman, J. J., & Beran, M. J. (2014). The highs and lows of theoretical interpretation in animal-metacognition research.

In S. M. Fleming and C. Frith (Eds), The cognitive neuroscience of metacognition (pp. 87-114).  Berlin: Springer-Verlag.


Beran, M. J., Brandl, J., Perner, J., & Proust, J. (Eds.) (2012). Foundations of Metacognition. Oxford University Press.





Smith, J. D., Beran, M. J., & Couchman, J. J. (2012).  Animal metacognition.

In T. Zentall and E. Wasserman (Eds.), Oxford Handbook of Comparative Cognition (pp. 282-304). Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.




Smith, J. D., Coutinho, M. V. C., Boomer, J., & Beran, M. J. (2012).  Metacognition across species. 

In J. Vonk and T. Shackelford (Eds.), Oxford Handbook of Comparative Evolutionary Psychology (pp. 271-294).  Oxford University Press.



Evans, T. A., & Beran, M. J. (2012). A computerized detour task for the assessment of self-control behavior.

In The psychology of self-control. New York: Nova Science Publishers.




Beran, M. J. (2012). Accounting and arithmetic competence in animals. In N. M. Seel (Ed.), Encyclopedia of the Sciences of Learning. Heidelberg, Springer.

Rumbaugh, D. M., & Beran, M. J. (2012). Linguistic and cognitive capacities of apes. In N. M. Seel (Ed.), Encyclopedia of the Sciences of Learning. Heidelberg, Springer.

Rumbaugh, D. M., King, J. E., Beran, M. J., Washburn, D. A., & Gould, K. (2012). A Salience Theory of learning. In N. M. Seel (Ed.), Encyclopedia of the Sciences of Learning. Heidelberg, Springer.

Beran, M. J., Couchman, J. J., Coutinho, M. V. C., Boomer, J., & Smith, J. D. (2010). Metacognition in nonhumans: Methodological and theoretical issues.

In A. Efklides & P. Misailidi (Eds.), Trends and prospects in metacognition research (pp. 21-36). Springer.




Beran, M. J., Evans, T. A., & Washburn, D. A. (2009). Comparing methods for assessing learning and cognition in primates.

In E. Potocki & J. Krasinski (Eds.) Primatology: Theories, methods and research  (pp. 153-170). New York: Nova Science Publishers.



Beran, M. J., Coutinho, M. V. C., Couchman, J. J., Boomer, J., Washburn, D. A., & Smith, J. D. (2009). Metacognition in animals.

In C. B. Larson (Ed.), Metacognition: New research developments. New York: Nova Science Publishers.



Beran, M. J., Klein, E. D., Evans, T. A., Antworth, R., & Chan, B. (2007). Perceived control, motivation, and task performance in capuchin monkeys.

In P. R. Zelich (Ed.), Issues in the psychology of motivation (pp. 171-185). New York: Nova Science Publishers.




Beran, M. J., Gulledge, J. P., & Washburn, D. A. (2006). Animals count: What’s next? Contributions from the Language Research Center to primate numerical cognition research.

In D. A. Washburn (Ed.), Primate perspectives on behavior and cognition (pp. 161-173). Washington, DC: APA Press.



Beran, M. J. (2003). Studying delay of gratification in animals.

In S. P. Shohov (Ed.), Advances in psychology research Vol 24 (pp. 161-179). New York: Nova Science Publishers.




Rumbaugh, D. M., Beran, M. J., & Savage-Rumbaugh, E. S. (2003). Language.

In D. Maestripieri (Ed.), Primate psychology (pp. 395-423). Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.




Gibson, K. R., Rumbaugh, D. M., & Beran, M. J. (2001). Bigger is better: Primate brain size in relationship to cognition.

In D. Falk & K R. Gibson (Eds.), Evolutionary anatomy of the primate cerebral cortex (pp. 79-97). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.



Rumbaugh, D. M., Beran, M. J, & Elder, C. M. (2001). Infancy and the birth of competence: Bruner and comparative-developmental research.

In D. Bakhurst & S. G. Shanker (Eds.), Jerome Bruner: Language, culture, self (pp. 136-149). London: Sage.



Rumbaugh, D. M., Savage-Rumbaugh, E. S., & Beran, M. J. (2001). The grand apes.

In B. B. Beck, T. S. Stoinski, M. Hutchins, T. S. Maple, B. Norton, A. Rowan, B. F. Stevens, & A. Arluke (Eds.), Great apes and humans: The ethics of coexistence (pp. 245-260). Washington: Smithsonian Institute Press.



Rumbaugh, D. M., Beran, M. J., & Hillix, W. A. (2000). Cause-effect reasoning in humans and animals.

In C. Heyes & L. Huber (Eds.), The evolution of cognition (pp. 221-238). Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.



Beran, M. J., Gibson, K. R., & Rumbaugh, D. M. (1999). Predicting hominid intelligence from brain size.

In M. C. Corballis & S. E. G. Lea (Eds.), The descent of mind: Psychological perspectives on hominid evolution (pp. 88-97). New York: Oxford University Press.