The article by KM. Leyden focuses on how the built environment affects levels of social and community engagement.
A Quick Summary
The author states that researchers find people with higher social engagement are healthier than people with lower levels. The author talks about how certain features of neighborhoods can help enhance levels of social and community engagement. The article goes on to the methods that are used to measure the relationship between the neighborhood and social activity. Then it categorizes the different types of neighborhoods. After that, it talks about an independent variable and dependent variable. The author ends with an analyses of the data found, and a discussion on it.

An example of a mix of walkability and car usage.
Since Atlanta is a city that contains neighborhoods, I used evidence from the article that talks about how neighborhoods with lots of car traffic affect social activity.
Why this Source?
The article has views similar to some of the other sources I have found while researching.
A flaw this article has is one of the methods used. It used a survey, which might not be accurate because it might not represent the whole population if some people opted out of it.
How is this Related?
This is related to my other sources because it further informs me on the built environment, and its relationship to health and social activity.
Leyden, KM. “Social Capital And The Built Environment: The Importance Of Walkable Neighborhoods.” American Journal Of Public Health 93.9 (2003): 1546-1551 6p. CINAHL Plus with Full Text. Web. 18 Feb. 2016.
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