This article written by Richard J. Jackson, Andrew L. Dannenberg, and Howard Frumkin is about the reignited interest in the relationship between health and the built environment, and what else can be done to continue developing this relationship.
A Quick Summary
The article talks about how an issue in the American Journal of Health Promotion renewed interest in this relationship. It also talks about how issues in other journals continued to keep the interest in the field going. Jackson and his colleagues compare the interest shown in the relationship between health and the built environment in the 20th century to the 21st century. The second part of the article lists four ways to help further the interest and continually improve the joint field of health and the built environment.
The article describes why Americans have become less healthy due to the increased popularity of cars, and the building of highways.

Obesity due to frequent car use.
Reason I Picked This
I chose this article because it reflects on the built environment and its impact on the health of Americans for the past ten years.
A weakness this article may have is the fact that it was published in 2013. Since it is 2016, something may have happened that proved some statistics in the article wrong.
The article builds on other articles I have found on health and the built environment. It provides a look at America over a certain time period.
Jackson, Richard J., Andrew L. Dannenberg, and Howard Frumkin. “Health And The Built Environment: 10 Years After.” American Journal Of Public Health 103.9 (2013): 1542-1544 3p. CINAHL Plus with Full Text. Web. 17 Feb. 2016.
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