Annotated Bibliographies 4
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1. In Aydin Turkey at the university of Adnan Menderes researches conducted a study on the affects of green spaces and its effects the mental health of high school students. The experimenters create a restorative environment which is a space that “promotes, and not merely permits, restoration.” (Hartig 2004). The experimenters prepared the campus green space with the ideal nature elements such as a bushes, shrubs, and other natural features. A total of 265 students were introduced to the green space. The results rendered that when many of students were introduced the newly built green space, they felt this new place a physical and mental retreat when doing work or studying. The study and implementation of this green space at a primary educational level displays how stress alleviations are viable at all stages of life. This green space study conducted on Turkish high school applies to the built environment through further magnifying the growing need to balance natural learning spaces in an urban environment centered around learning.
“How Is High School Greenness Related to Students’ Restoration and Health? – 1-s2.0-S1618866716000078-Main.pdf.” Accessed February 24, 2016. http://ac.els-cdn.com.ezproxy.gsu.edu/S1618866716000078/1-s2.0-S1618866716000078-main.pdf?_tid=35bb44c4-da8a-11e5-8acd-00000aacb35d&acdnat=1456272464_e724bbf5527bc4810f2a3a7873f18341.