“Better Online Living through Content Moderation” Reading Summary 6


When analyzing the argument that Melissa King discusses in the article, some of the examples that she mentioned were a little farfetched. I agree with what she was saying in regards to her statement on “nobody should be required to read or listen to content if they do not want to”, however, when she used an example of someone having PTSD to trigger their anxiety—that was far left.  This small issue, I do believe that King makes some valid points in regards to internet censors and content moderation. I believe that those who are involved heavily with the internet—specifically the millennial generation—are too sensitive to what they see online. Cyberbullying is an issue that we need to take on with full force, cyberbullying can be prevented by not only content moderation, but also the fact that one who is being cyberbullies can simply remove themselves from the situation by logging off whatever social media they are being targeted on. By doing this, Many cyberbully cases can simply fade with time and also.

With online abuse specifically, I believe that it is one-hundred percent avoidable. There are so many opportunities for content moderation such as deleting the app that you are using or using a blacklist feature on the social media platforms, which is something that Melissa King also suggests. I also believe that using women as targets on these social media platforms is wrong and unjust, and is a double standard in today’s media society. For instance, a female who posts a risqué photo online will be slut-shamed online as opposed to a male who can post something similar. It is an issue in popular culture and this sexist attitude on social media apps is just wrong. However, using these targets as a ploy for attacks online through slut-shaming, is just downright terrible. I believe that using content moderation and a blacklist feature is perfect for these situations, as it would indeed prevent someone from being attacked online.

I feel as if Melissa King should have discussed this more in her entry, as I would have loved to learn more about this certain issue. With the article itself though, I don’t think that people with PTSD should even be using a computer and logging in online in the first place, so that is something to consider when looking at social media attacks online. This is the prime issue to consider. Even though cyberbullying is a heinous crime and shouldn’t be taken lightly, I feel as if someone with an issue with mental disorders should probably stay off the internet in its entirety, specifically the social media realm of the web. Instead of using that time online, they could be doing something more productive such as getting the help they need to treat their mental disorder.

Melissa King did a fabulous job in presenting the issue of media blacklisting and moderation, and fully agree with what she had to say about the detrimental effects a negative trigger from an online source can have on a person’s mental health.


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