Mayeux, Louis. “4th to Sparkle With Peachtree Pace, Lenox Fireworks.” N.p., 3 July 2011. Web.

Louis Mayeux, seasoned journalist and Path staff member, writes an article by the name “4th to Sparkle With Peachtree Race, Lenox Fireworks”. This article simply described how Lenox Mall will play a major role in the 4th of July festivities and also a little bit about how the mall will accommodate all audiences. Mayeux states “Lenox Square Mall, follwing one of Atlanta’s favorite traditions, will be the centerpiece of activities from early morning until late night”.
Among many of the activities, a 10k road race will be held. Not only will there be a traditional foot race but there will be a wheelchair race conducted as well. “Runners and Lenox Square participants are urged to to take MARTA”, Mayeux stresses. It is known that MARTA is wheelchair accessible and will enable racers or all types and viewers of all types to easily travel there.
I would say that the usefulness of this article, due to our particular research purposes, is questionable. The article does showcase how Lenox made accommodations for the handicap, however all the other information is not useful.