My scope of work will involve further research into what motivates young professionals into joining leadership programs within their community; specifically, what drives young professionals between the ages of twenty-five to forty-five years of age to join these types of programs. I will look into other local non-profit organizations that have such programs to develop ideas during the research process. After this in-depth research, I will use my results to improve Whitefoord’s Society for Young Professionals’ welcome packet, and figure out how to implement The Society’s presence into Whitefoord, Inc.’s website. It is my end goal to help provide Whitefoord, Inc. with tangible ways to reach their membership goals.

Outcome: I did end up completing extensive research for our client, Whitefoord, Inc. I compiled a two-page research document while creating the welcome packet, and a five-page research document after my team and I met with Allie Morse on November 3, 2016. Both research documents were created as a result of looking up other non-profit organizations that have implemented young professional programs, much like Whitefoord is planning to do. Both documents served to give Allie options and ideas (to use at her discretion) for The Leadership Society for Young Professionals.