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Tag Doll Head Trail

A Closer Look into Constitution Lakes Park – Exterior Built Environment Description

At first you’re lost and have to open up three different types of navigation systems in order to find Constitution Lakes Park. Then just when your circling around for the third time about to give up, you see a sign in… Continue Reading →

Hidden deep inside Constitution Lakes Park you will find yourself going inside the Doll Head Trail. There are many more signs guiding you into the Doll Head Trail, however this is the main one and first one you see. The… Continue Reading →

After walking a cement sidewalk you find yourself standing in front of a board walk with two paths to decide which way to go. On the left hand side of the board walk leads you to the famous Doll Head… Continue Reading →

Annotated Bibliography 1,2,& 3

Moss, Laura. “A Walk through Atlanta’s Doll’s Head Trail.” MNN. MNN, 24 July 2013. Web. 05 Feb. 2016. “A Walk through Atlanta’s Doll Head Trail” is a brief story about what is found in Constitution Lakes Park in Atlanta. It’s… Continue Reading →

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