Moss, Laura. “A Walk through Atlanta’s Doll’s Head Trail.” MNN. MNN, 24 July 2013. Web. 05 Feb. 2016.

“A Walk through Atlanta’s Doll Head Trail” is a brief story about what is found in Constitution Lakes Park in Atlanta. It’s interesting for me to read it since my exterior built environment exterior is on Constitution Lakes. What I didn’t know is that there is a trail of doll heads for hikers to contribute into. The only rule of course to adding on to the doll head trial is that it has to be things that were left in the park or whatever is in the park. I found it has taken a huge shape into Atlanta by bringing the city into nature. This article taught me that it was once a brickyard turned into a boardwalk around the lake and trials that add their own unique taste. I chose this source because it was a very short but to the point article. It explained the background to the doll heads trail and to Constitution Lakes Park as well. I find the article to have only the flaw of being vague and not enough details as I was hoping it would have in better explaining the trail.

Vejnoska, Jill. “Dig In: Volunteers Get Hands-on Chance to Help Local Parks.” Dig In: Volunteers Get Hands-on Chance to Help Local Parks. Access Atlanta, 31 July 2015. Web. 05 Feb. 2016.

This article is a way to get people from Atlanta to volunteer their time into bettering the parks of Atlanta and DeKalb. This article has helped me to see that Constitutional Lakes Park is a park that is cared for in the community of Atlanta. It’s not just some park it’s a park that people want to help in preserving its beauty and making sure it stays as a place where they would enjoy spending hikes and fishing at. This article like the other does have flaws when connecting it to my own project. Since it talks about three other parks in the areas as well as being outdated, I won’t have a huge use to this article as I would have like to. I do hope to find a follow up article about how the community service took place and what was done to the park, as well as how many other volunteers showed up.


Moss, Laura. “N/A” N.d. Web., last accessed February 5, 2016.

The photograph above was taken at Constitution Lakes by Laura Moss. I chose this photograph as one of my sources to show the wilderness of the lake. The lake itself is home to a lot of animals. Not only that, but people come to this lake to fish as well which is weird to imagine. If you think of Atlanta you can’t possibly imagine someone going 6 miles from downtown Atlanta only to find a lake in which you can fish and hike at, yet still be able to say you’re in Atlanta. I believe this park is like no other park in Atlanta. This source is nothing like my other sources, since it is in fact a photograph source. Not only that but it doesn’t need words for it to be explained, and that’s the beauty of it. This Image is also found in one of my article sources. Due to that fact, I found it easier to tie the two sources together.